
 BATAM HOST Lions Club

 Lions CLub Batam is the very first club in Batam Island chartered on March 03, 2003 starting with 20 members, now on its 6th Year of Club Anniversary, at 2009, has reached to 51 members.

The club majoring activities are on the fields of :

1. Education : helping school for their needs of equipments such as : stationaries for students, books, computers, power electricity  etc.

2. Scholarship : over 200 students from the primary and secondary school whose parents live in poverty have received scholarship until they graduate.

3. Environment : since 2003, Lions Club Batam has involved in several environmental activities like trees and mangrove planting, cleaning up the tourism area from garbage. The Mangrove Project is a collaboration with Lions Club Hakata Fukuoka Japan.

4. Sightfirst Aid : The Club has continously doing eye screenings and providing spectacles for the students at primary and elementary school, as well carried out the project of cataract surgery for elderly living in poverty.  A big project of Sightfirst Aid has carried out last year in joint project with Lions Club SIngapore Bedok, doing eyescreening for 1,580 student of 4 schools in Bengkong area.

Every  year  we raised our activity fund by throwing a LIONS CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT FOR  BETTER  FUTURE  CHILDREN,   usually held on  January.  We will be glad if  Lion Golfers from all over the World are be able to support this fundraising programs. WE also accept donations of Valueable Goods such as Fine Art, Photography etc, for an auction during end of the agenda. So Feel free to contact us to be taken part on our  next 2010 golf charity event.

Donaturs or simphatism to our activities are most welcome to donate or join the club. The club can be contacted at :

1. Our Secretariat Office address and phone.

2. Any of our Club Officers email or cellullar phone.


District 307A Indonesia









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