Ballston Spa Lions Club Music Park At The Old Iron Spring
Throughout the year eyeglasses no longer being used are collected by the Ballston Spa Lions Club and sent overseas to Lions International operated sight clinics. After a vision test each patient receives prescription appropriate lenses and frames at no cost. To improve lives through good vision and to prevent blindness is the primary mission of the Lions Club.
The Ballston Spa Lions Clubold and used eye glasses. All styles and models wanted, no matter the condition of the eye glasses. You have two options to donate you unused eye glasses.
1. Curtis Lumber of Ballston Spa, 885 Rt 67 Ballston Spa, New York 12020.
2. Contact our Sight Committee Chair:
Ballston Spa Lions Club
Attn:Sight Chair
P.O. Box 242
Ballston Spa, New York 12020
The Ballston Spa Lions Club assists individuals and families in the Towns of Ballston, Malta and Milton to help cover the costs of eye glasses for those who can not afford them. To see if you qualify click on BSLC Application For Assistance.
Email or mail the completed form to:
Ballston Spa Lions Club
Attn:Sight Chair
P.O. Box 242
Ballston Spa, New York 12020

The Gift of Sight
Click on The Gift Of Sight to get a copy of the "Lions Eye Bank At Albany" brochure that answers important questions about cornea transplants.
Donate Life Registry
Be an organ, eye and tissue donor. Enroll in the New York State Donate Life Registry. Click on Donate Life Registry Form to get started being an organ, eye and tissue donor.