Photo Gallery
President Lion Megha Raj Sapkota with his new tem Secretary Lion Kalpana Poudel, Treasurer Lion Laxmi Giri, club directors and members
Breast Cancer Awarness and prevention Programme: Lion Sarojini Sharma, Lion Megha Raj Sapkota giving lectures about breast cancer prevention/ self breast examination tips to participants
Charter president; L. Chiranjivi Lal Shrestha awarded with outstanding coordinator.
LC BKC participating in district orientation programme
Membership Chairperson L.Bijaya Lal Pradhan and L. Megha Raj Sapkota; giving tips on electronic report writing
Far left Charter President L. Chiranjivilal Shrestha , President Shiliya Shrestha, Treasurer Shankar Adhikari ,Center District Governar L.Raj Kumar Shrestha, 2nd VDG Shem Shakya, Celebration of International day for Ozone Layer Preservation
Lion Megha Raj Sapkota Donating Blood