Australian Lionzonoz was started as a Branch Club of Wooli Lions Club (201N1) when Lions Yvie and Kel Kearns decided to “hit the road” in 2006. They wanted to travel but still retain their Lions membership.
This arrangement proved successful because they found many Lions in caravan parks all over Australia who had the same sentiment and so Australian Lionsonoz was soon underway.
Notification came from International Association that the Club was registered officially as The Lions Club of Australian Lionsonoz on the 11th March, 2009.
The official ceremony was held in Melbourne by our then District Governor Lion Mal Merrick 201 N1 on the 1st May,2009.
Charter was handed to our Club on stage at the Multiple District Convention by the President of Lions International, Lion Al Brandel.
There are many “grey nomads” travelling around this great country of ours. A lot of them have been or are still members of the Lions family.
This Club has been set up to cater for those travellers. They may consider joining a Lions Club with members who are doing what we all dream of doing...enjoying a relaxed and casual lifestyle.
Simply transfer to Australian Lionsonoz and they can keep in touch with Lions all over Australia therefore still retaining an active Lions membership.
When they are through travelling, they have the option to transfer back to their own Club or to a Club in the area they decide to settle, or they might choose to remain a member of Australian Lionsonoz.
Even those who are only members for a short time will find that time very rewarding
Visit as many Lions Clubs as possible in their travels
- Spread the message of what Australian Lionsonoz offers
- Assist local Lions Clubs with their service projects-this adds to our service hours
- Plan travel arrangements to coincide with District and Multiple District Conventions
- Attend Charter Nights of new Lions Clubs
- Uphold the traditions of Lions
- To retain Lions who like to travel, as members of Lions Clubs International
- To give the opportunity of Lions membership to those Lions who have been members of Clubs that have closed and there are no Lions Clubs close enough for them to join, Australian Lionsonoz is open to both males and females
- The aims are high and the benefits to Lions in every walk of life is very attractive.
- But most of all... Have fun as a Lion.