BROOM SALE--Anyone needing heavy duty brooms can contact Libby Poe at 304-842-7092.
Wash cloth sale -- $1.50 each, contact Libby Poe at 304-842-7092.
We wil be holding a $100 Walmart Giftcard raffle from Sept 1, 2011 until November 23, 2011. The tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5. Contact Charlotte Patterson at 304-622-1555 for tickets. Who can't use an extra $100 for Christmas shopping! Get yours now.
We held an adopt a highway clean up on September 24 in conjunction with the RCB Jr. R.O.T.C. cadets and cleaned up 26 bags of litter from 2 miles of Arlington and Glen Falls roadways. Cadets were treated to pizza and drinks afterward.
The Club is doing the Peace Poster Contest with the Mountaineer Middle School.