Sept. 17-2015
Lion John Howard had Probate Judge Ben Bowden speak regarding the interworking of the Court House. Judge Bowden was very informative in describing activities of each of the three Judges. He also added some historical information and pictures of earlier Covington County Court Houses. Some of the earlier Court Houses burned down; destroying many of the paper records on file there. He also fielded and answered questions of some of the members.
Judge Ben Bowden
see more ...
Sept 3-2015
Lion Dale Pancake was fortunate in having Mark Hainds, new forestry instructor at LBWCC, present a Power Pont presentation on his recent feat of walking the Texas / Mexico border from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico. He has written a book regarding his trip and hopes to have it published next year. Hainds referenced the type of plants and animals observed during his trip which was filmed by Rex Jones and the Southern Documentary Project is expected to be on PBS in early 2016.
<<<<< Photo courtesy of Southern Documentary Project >>>>>>>
see more @:
Hainds is also author of "Year of The Pig" a personal account of one avid hunter's pursuit of wild pigs in eleven American states.
Aug 12-2015
Lion Jim Czap got Jason Morgan, Product Manager, with Covington County Economic Development Commission speak to our group today. Morgan gave interesting details regarding some of the process of recruiting for Covington County and some of what draws companies to Covington County.
Aug 5-2015
Lion Chad Wilkerson had program, and made presentation. He is employed with Covington Electric, which aided him in giving us helpful information on things we can do to make our homes be more effecent with use of electricty. With about 56% of usage going to heating and cooling ( if you have all electric). He had handouts we can use to inspect our homes. He also showed charts that can be found on their websit that will show each person their usage, and they can refer to an update each day.
July 29-2015
Board Meeting.... Present were; Dr. Pat Powell, Charles Studstill, Carroll Mullis, Kylan Lewis, Ivan Bishop, Billy Joe Stawllworth, Tripp Bass, Tommy Gerlach, and Corey Bryan. Topics discussed were recruiting new members .. more member participation with Community Christmas (bikes) .. club Goal to add at least 5 new members this year .. twice a year have one meeting dedicated to each member asking one prospective person to visit, in hopes of having several prospective members mingle with other prospective members .. promote "White Cane Safety Day" Oct 15 through website and FB.
July 22-2015
Lion Kendra Majors had Caryl Lee Ray of Andalusia Library's Children's Department educate and entertain us with information and skit demonstrations she uses with the children. Her energy and enthusiasm is contagious as she had us acting skits with her. I am sure she is a hit with the children. If you would like to be involved with helping children learn the joy of reading, you can contact Caryl to help with reading to children.
July 8-2015
Lion Tripp Bass invited Andalusia Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Chrissie Duffy, to speak at our club meeting. Chrissie explained some of the methods the being used in reaching out to tourism for Andalusia. She fielded questions and suggestion from members. Many members agreed that the traffic signal function should be looked into that would allow for a smoother flow of traffic through the “Gateway to the Beaches". July Jamz will begin the 9th at 6:30PM (see more);
July 1- 2015
Dr. Blackston, of Quality Eye Care here in Andalusia, gave a slide presentation covering his Baptist mission trip to Haiti 3 years ago. He had contacted Lion Dr. Fred Winkler of Andalusia Lions Club for information to receive recycled glasses from the Lions Virginia center. He distributed over 100 pairs of glasses to needy residents. It was encouraging to hear firsthand how the Lions' “Recycle For Sight” program made a positive impact on people’s lives. Those glasses would enable them to not only read but also help homemakers make and mend clothes, and fishermen make and mend nets. The sunglasses will help protect from the sun’s harmful rays. He said the dentist and medical doctors commented on how his work was such a hit with the people. If you would like to learn more, and be a part of this worthy cause, you can go to websites:
According to a document from Oklahoma State Universy , the senses break down as follows:
sight = 83%
hearing = 11%
touch = 3.5%
smell = 1.5%
taste = 1%
Two new Lions in the Pride; Robert "Will" Cook, sponsored by Lion Gary Holloway, and John Taylor, sponsored by Lion John Vick were inducted by Secretary Lion Dr. Fred Winkler. Pictured are Dr. Fred Winkler, Gary Holloway, Robert "Will" Cook, John Taylor and John Vick.
June - 10
Andalusia Lions Club
22 hrs ·
Lion Carroll Mullis was fortunate enough to arrange for "Pilots for Christ" to present our June 10th program. We had several guest to welcome the PFC to Andalusia. It was a very informative and moving program which included their appreciation of how the Andalusia, and Covington County community supports PFC. They not only fly patients, but if cost prohibitive for them to fly they will pay for airline tickets. They have recently flown several fro...m Covington County to Huston, TX. You can learn more about their ministry at their FB page, or their website:
Pilots for Christ LLC
Pilots for Christ, Monroeville, Alabama is a non-profit 501(C)3 organization that is a member of Pilots for Christ International.
June - 3
Lion John Vick invited Ed Williams, former editor of The Andalusia Starnews, to speak to members, and guest, at our Andalusia Lions Club meeting on 6-3-15. Ed took us on a trip down memory lane of events that encouraged him to become a journalist, and eventually a professor of journalism at Auburn University. Ed spoke of the importance of community news papers being the fiber that helps weave the awareness of politicians, civic organizations, religious groups, and the rest of the community together. It was very colorful and informative information. He had visited Three Notch Museum while here and made a point that; what newspapers print today will be the history of tomorrow. Pictured are Michele Cox Gerlach (publisher at Andalusia Starnews), Ed Williams, and Lion John Vick
Andalusia Lions Club's photo.
March - 11
Lion Gary Holloway asked Mrs. Hazel Jordan discussed the fading art of making baskets with the Long Leaf Pine needle. She gave information on the long and tedious processes gathering, washing, and drying before the needles can be use for baskets. She gets much pleasure spending hours and weeks to make a basket. She assured us it is time consuming and tries ones patients, but it is worth it and easy enough that even some of us could learn. She had some of her beautiful art there for illustration.
March - 4
Covington County EMA Director Susan Harris spoke to the Andalusia Lions Club and reminded that
March to May is prime tornado season for Alabama. Harris suggested that each family purchase a NOAA weather radio and download mobile weather apps from NOAA, WSFA, the Weather Channel and others to help ensure they know when severe weather is expected to strike.
Harris also said it was important for families to conduct drills, so that everyone in family knows the severe weather plan.
For more information, call 428-2670.
Cindy Cook was inducted as the Club's newest member. Welcome Lion Cindy Cook...Lions Charles Studstill, Cindy Cook, and Dr. Fred Winkler.
Feb. 25, 2015
Covington County Commission Chairman Bill Godwin spoke concerning update of jail, roads, Airport, as well as some of the considerations to be made by the Commission while being good stewards of the people’s money.....
Feb. 18, 2015
"Welcome" Lion Dale Pancake as newest member...
Feb. 4, 2015
Lion Ivan Bishop invited Covington Arts Council Executive Director Paula Harr to update us on their activities and importance to the community. Harr commented on some of the events here are the same as held in Montgomery, Mobile, Atlanta, ect...Coming Feb. 6 will be the Eagles' tribute band. see more@:
Jan. 28, 2015
Quarterly Board Meeting
Several items of business were discussed with the focus being on mop and broom sales. Strong consideration for setting up alternate local location sites on given dates for members to sell and receive donations for mops and brooms. Look for more info to be coming on Lion FB page.....
Jan. 22, 2015
Coach Trent Taylor said he was proud to an Andalusia High School Bulldog once again. Coach Taylor spoke to our Club about building community support for the Bulldogs and some of his coals and team building.
Coach Taylor (left) was invited to speak by Lion Tripp Bass (right).
Jan. 14, 2015
Lion Reverend Gary Holloway had the weekly program and enlighten the club with hart felt true stories, and several hart felt Gospel songs. It was a very informative account of his call to the Ministry. He had several CD handouts of songs by the group he sings with at Church events (The Potter Clay).
Dec. 17. 2014 ...
CHRISTmas party...
Dec. 10, 2024 ....
Wanda Scroggins of Covington VIP Lions Club updated us on their progress and upcoming events, one being the Lions Vision Screening Bus coming to Andalusia to conduct free screening for local schools, and a day set-aside for public screening. This most likely will be in March 2015 so watch for our updates here and on our Face Book page.
Dec. 3, 2014 .....
New Blue Lake Methodist Camp Director Steve Lewandowski said getting the camp to ACA (American Camping Association) standards is one of the many things he was hired to do.
He also commented on how this community continues to play a major roll with the Camp. see more:
Nov. 19 2014....
A group of local women have joined forces to hopefully establish a Covington County rape response advocacy program, local Lions Club members learned on Wednesday.
Debra Gamble, who spoke to the Lions Club, said Andalusia Regional Hospital ER Director Amy Herrington and Chief Assistant District Attorney Grace Jeter are spearheading the program. Learn more @:
Nov. 12 2014....
Scott Moody, our son in law, our daughter Patricia and Faye were guests of our Lions Club today. Scott spoke about his trip to Rwanda as part of the Bridge2Rwanda program. Thank you Scott for being a part of such a compassionate outreach to the young people in Rwanda.
— with Patricia Vick Moody.
Learn more about "Bridge2Rwanda" @:
NOV. 5 2014.....
Lion Charles Studstill presented Power Point presentation on some of the Lions Club's websites including Lions International, District 34C, Andalusia Lions Club, and Andalusia Lions Club Face Book Page. Handout of presentation was given to each member for future reference. Invitation business cards inviting guest were also distributed.
Oct. 22 2014......
Andalusia High School Principal Dr. Daniel Shakespeare said the upcoming transition seventh and eighth graders to a brand new wing at the high school is about the students.
Shakespeare spoke to the Andalusia Lions Club about the merger.
“In 1970-1971, I was an eighth grader at Andalusia High School,” he said. “At the end of the year, they moved the eighth graders to the middle school. Now here we are 40-something years later.” Shakespeare told the Lions this isn’t his first experience being the principal at a 7-12 school. He served as principal at Aliceville before taking the helm at AHS. “I could keep the kids separated during the day,” he said. “It is somewhat difficult to keep them separated before or after school. My experience told me, ‘Mr. Watson, this isn’t a good idea.’ I was not in favor of the move. If we take a poll, we’ll have pros and cons.” Still, Shakespeare said his job is to educate children. Shakespeare said special tour dates have been set up in the coming weeks, including:
• Nov. 4: Parent tour at 6 p.m.
• Dec. 1: Open house for the community.
See commplete coverage of this Lions Club Meeting at Andalusia Star News: ( )
Oct. 1 2014...... Covington Co. D.A. Lion Walter Merill introduced Alabama State A.G. Luther Strange who spoke regarding the strong relationship between the AG's office and DA's office toward keeping the "Bad Guys" off the streets for safty of the public, noting that law enforcement officers are refered to as PEACE Officers here to help keep PEACE. Mr. Strange fielded questions from several Lion members, as well as guests Mayor Earl Johnson, and Probate Judge Ben Bowden.
Sept 24 2014...... District 34C Governor, Glen Elmore, addressed members with District news and upcoming events and challanged members to work toward a great turnout for the upcoming can food drive, "Feed the Hungry", November 1st..
Lions recongnized for years of service were: Lion Dr. Fred Winkler for 45 yrs. of service, Lion John Howard for 35 yrs. of service and Lion Kendal Taylor for 30 yrs of service. Thanks to all Lions who live the motto "WE SERVE".
Feb. 7 2014......
Opp native and retired Air Force Lt. Col. Jim Lawrence spoke to the Andalusia Lions Club Wed., Feb 5. Lawrence spoke about how important it is to serve one’s country and community, either through military service or through other venues such as the Lions, Civitan or Rotary clubs, veterans groups, or church organizations.
See more @: