
July 2014

1-Payment of international and district dues 

2-Membership growth

3-Teej festival

4-Adoption of girl child for education

August 2014

1-PST schooling

2-Independence day celebration

3-plantation of tress

4-official visit of zone

September 2014

1-Teachers day celebration

2-Installation and induction

3-Dental camp


October 2014

1-Gandhi and Shastri jyanti celebration

2-Inauguration of tailoring training camp

3-United nation and world peace day celebration

4-Depawalli celebration

November 2014

1-children day celebration

2-health check up camp

3-official visit of region

December 2014

1-World human right day

2-Eye check up and operation camp

3-Picnic for members 

4-Official visit of district governor

January 2015

1-New year celebration

2-Lions international foundation week

3-Founder day

4-Parade of republic day

5-Visit of past district governors

February 2015

1-District seminar

2-Felicitation of past presidents 

3-Vactionation programee for members

March 2015

1-Nomination of new members for 2015-16

2-Holi programee 

3-Seninar on internation women day

April 2014

1-District seminar

2-Health check up camp on world health day

3-Charter night

May 2015

1-Labour day celebration

2-Mothers day celebration

3-Felicitation of adopted students

June 2015

1-Lord and award night

2-Transferring of duties to new elected executed

3-Fathers day 

4-Annual budget presentation




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