
Acton Lions Dinner Meetings

February 18: Dr. Brian Lisse will share the work of his Bridges to Malawi program.

March 4: Dean Charter, in his capacity as an Acton Select Board member, will explain the proposed new Public Works Building. Votes on the project will be taken at the April 29 Town Election and at Town Meeting on May 5.

April 1: David Kelly, Acton resident and Chief Global Strategist at JP Morgan Asset Management, will join us again to discuss the economy and financial markets.

April 15: Bill Klauer, Acton’s unofficial town historian, will discuss the events leading up to April 19, 1775, including what we know now that we didn’t know when the history was taught to us.

May 6: Emily Sweeney, author and columnist, will join us to discuss her book “Dropkick Murphy: A Legendary Life” and the Bellows Farm Sanitarium in Acton.

June 3: Yin Peet, executive director of Contemporary Arts International (CAI), will share the story of her sculpture park and museum. We will meet and tour the 10-acre granite quarry at 68 Quarry Road in Acton at 5pm on June 1 and then meet for dinner with Yin continuing the conversation.

Recent Donations

We raise money, so we can support local events and organizations strengthening our  community connection.  Please contact us if you'd like more information.

  • Audio Journal Approved for $250
  • The Decibels Foundation Approved for $500
  • The Carroll Center for the Blind Approved for $250
  • Access Sport America Approved for $1000
  • Restoration Project Approved for $200
  • Brian Dempsey, ABRHS for the Science Fair donation -- $500
  • Knights of Columbus -- Bob Malnati - Chehabi Family - $500
  • Danny's Place -- $1000


Acton Lions Club History

The Acton Lions Club, chartered in 1955, currently has 72 members who give their time freely to help those in need and the less fortunate. We normally meet each month for a 6:30 pm dinner meeting on the first and third Tuesday of the month at Rapscallion Table and Tap (5 Strawberry Hill Rd, Acton).  An elected Board of Directors governs the Club, which meets monthly.
We are one of over 45,000 clubs that comprises Lions Clubs International, the largest service organization in the world with over 1.5 million members in 185 countries. Lions are known worldwide for eye research and their service to the blind.
Since 1955 the Acton Lions, now in their 67th year, have contributed over $580,000 to the Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund, which is #2 among all Lions clubs in the State.  
In addition to eye research, the Acton Lions provide support to many local charitable organizations and community efforts. We also award several $1,500 scholarships to graduating ABRHS seniors each year. 
Membership in the Acton Lions Club is open to all without regard to race, gender, religious beliefs or national origin. Click on the "Contact us" link at the top left of the page for more information about joining the Lions or contact any active club member.

2023-2024 Acton Lions Club Officers

President: Mike Kaminski
First Vice President: Gary Kappel
Secretary: Lee Daniel
Assistant Secretary: Peter Grant
Treasurer: Dan Busse
Financial Secretary: Mike Kaminski
Tail Twister: Kurt Karkane
Lion Tamer: Mickey McGurl
Program Chairs: Dick O'Brien / Jon Benson
Bulletin Editor: Lee Daniel
Social Media: Steve Trimble and Gary Kappel
Membership: Andy Heiniluoma, Kris Ellicks, Bill Ryan
Directors 1 Year: Xuan Kong, Gary Kappel, Peter Grant
Directors 2 Year: Brian Lentrichia, Steve Trimble and Rich Langin

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Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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