Sierra Vista Lions Club: We Serve!
JAN 2025
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Project Linus blankets are delivered to children who are traumatized, seriously ill, in hospitals, shelters, or social service agencies, and who need a sense of security, comfort, warmth, and love.
Our ‘Make a Blanket’ Mornings are open to anyone who'd like to help make the blankets. We provide complimentary light refreshments available while they last.
Collected Used Eyeglasses. Volunteers collected 200 used eyeglasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses that members from our community had dropped into our Lions eyeglass collection boxes. The glasses will undergo further processing - usable ones for redistribution to less fortunate individuals in developing countries; unusable ones are recycled.
DEC 2024
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Cupcake decorating with youth & families of the Salvation Army Sierra Vista Corps' Culinary Arts Program youth. The Sierra Vista Lions Club purchased ingredients, baked chocolate, strawberry, and funfetti cupcakes, and made buttercream frosting for the youth enrolled in the Salvation Army Sierra Vista Corps' Culinary Arts Program and their families to decorate at their Chriatmas party. Our Lions baked the cupcakes and made the buttercream frosting the day before party. We set up a decorating station at the party; frosted the cupcakes and handed them to the children and adults who created Christmas Cupcake Masterpieces with the edible Christmas decorations we'd provided.
Volunteer at Local School Library. Provided volunteer assistance at a local school library.
NOV 2024
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Donation to St. Vincent de Paul/Our Lady of the Mountains Conference for their Annual Thanksgiving Food Box Program. We made a $100 donation for the Thanksgiving Food Box Program.
Volunteer at Local School Library. Provided volunteer assistance at a local school library.
OCT 2024
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Project Linus blankets are delivered to children who are traumatized, seriously ill, in hospitals, shelters, or social service agencies, and who need a sense of security, comfort, warmth, and love.
Our ‘Make a Blanket’ Mornings are open to anyone who'd like to help make the blankets. We provide complimentary light refreshments available while they last.
Vision Screening. Members of the Sierra Vista Lions Club and community volunteers conducted vision screenings on 262 students at 2 Cochise County Schools. The screenings are done utilizing SPOT Vision Screening Machines that check for six vision issues. The vision screening is provided at no cost to the schools/preschools/facilities.
Volunteer at Local School Library. Provided volunteer assistance at a local school library.
SEP 2024
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Volunteer at Local School Library. Provided volunteer assistance at a local school library.
AUG 2024
Make a Blanket Morning. The Sierra Vista Lions Club partnered with the Salvation Army and Project Linus to hold a ‘Make-A-Blanket’ Morning. We had 41 adults and youth volunteers from our community who created 46 no-sew fleece blankets during the event and also created custom quilt blocks by coloring in pre-printed fabric templates. The completed quilt blocks will be assembled into 4 beautiful one-of-a-kind quilts at a later date. We also had wonderful people stop by and donate afghans and blankets for Project Linus.
Project Linus blankets are delivered to children who are traumatized, seriously ill, in hospitals, shelters, or social service agencies, and who need a sense of security, comfort, warmth, and love.
Our ‘Make a Blanket’ Mornings are open to anyone who'd like to help make the blankets. We provide complimentary light refreshments available while they last.
American Cancer Society's Relay for Life Event. Participated in the 2024 Relay for Life activities at the Sierra Vista Veteran's Memorial Park. This year's event had a "Decades" theme. The Sierra Vista Lions Club's relay team is the "Sierra Vista Lions Roar".
Pay for Eye Exams & Glasses. The Sierra Vista Lions Club screens applicants who are disadvantaged adults in our local community; then pays for eye exams and glasses for those meeting specified economic criteria. We funded exams and glasses for 2 adults in August.
JUL 2024
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Collect Donated Eyeglasses. Volunteers collect used/donated eyeglasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses from collection boxes located at multiple sites. The glasses will undergo further processing - usable ones for redistribution to less fortunate individuals in developing countries; unusable ones are recycled.
Eyeglass Washing, Sorting & Recycling (for eyeglass distribution & recycling programs). Volunteers sorted, washed, dried and prepared used/donated eyeglasses for further processing. The prescriptions of usable glasses will be read at a later date; then the glasses are packaged according to prescriptions and taken to the Tucson Arizona Lions Recycling Terminal (ALERT) for distribution during humanitarian missions. Broken/unusable glasses are boxed up for recycling.
Pay for Eye Exams & Glasses. The Sierra Vista Lions Club screens applicants who are disadvantaged adults in our local community; then pays for eye exams and glasses for those meeting specified economic criteria. We funded exams and glasses for 10 adults in July.
JUN 2024
Make a Blanket Morning. The Sierra Vista Lions Club partnered with the Salvation Army and Project Linus to hold a ‘Make-A-Blanket’ Morning. We had 30 adults and 4 children volunteers from our community who created 30 no-sew fleece blankets during the event and also created custom quilt blocks by coloring in pre-printed fabric templates. The completed quilt squares will be assembled into 4 beautiful one-of-a-kind quilts at a later date. We also had wonderful people stop by and donate 20 afghans and blankets for Project Linus.
Project Linus blankets are delivered to children who are traumatized, seriously ill, in hospitals, shelters, or social service agencies, and who need a sense of security, comfort, warmth, and love.
Our ‘Make a Blanket’ Mornings are open to anyone who'd like to help make the blankets. We provide complimentary light refreshments available while they last.
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Collect Donated Eyeglasses. Volunteers collect used/donated eyeglasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses from collection boxes located at multiple sites. The glasses will undergo further processing - usable ones for redistribution to less fortunate individuals in developing countries; unusable ones are recycled.
Donated Food to the Salvation Army Sierra Vista Corps. Donated food to the Salvation Army Sierra Vista Corps that will be used in their hunger relief program or food bank.
Pay for Eye Exams & Glasses. The Sierra Vista Lions Club screens applicants who are disadvantaged adults in our local community; then pays for eye exams and glasses for those meeting specified economic criteria. We funded exams and glasses for 1 adult in June.
MAY 2024
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Collect Donated Eyeglasses. Volunteers collect used/donated eyeglasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses from collection boxes located at multiple sites. The glasses will undergo further processing - usable ones for redistribution to less fortunate individuals in developing countries; unusable ones are recycled.
Donated Food to the Salvation Army Sierra Vista Corps. Donated food to the Salvation Army Sierra Vista Corps that will be used in their hunger relief program or food bank.
Eyeglass Washing, Sorting & Recycling (for eyeglass distribution & recycling programs). Volunteers sorted, washed, dried and prepared used/donated eyeglasses for further processing. The prescriptions of usable glasses will be read at a later date; then the glasses are packaged according to prescriptions and taken to the Tucson Arizona Lions Recycling Terminal (ALERT) for distribution during humanitarian missions. Broken/unusable glasses are boxed up for recycling.
Pay for Eye Exams & Glasses. The Sierra Vista Lions Club screens applicants who are disadvantaged adults in our local community; then pays for eye exams and glasses for those meeting specified economic criteria. We funded exams and glasses for 1 adult in May.
Volunteer at Local School Library. Provided volunteer assistance a local school library.
APR 2024
Make a Blanket Morning. This is our newest service project. The Sierra Vista Lions Club is partnered with the Salvation Army and Project Linus to hold a ‘Make a Blanket’ Morning. Volunteers cut out and tied the fringe edges on “No-Sew” fleece blankets. The completed blankets will be delivered to children (0-18 years old) who are seriously ill, traumatized, or need a sense of security, warmth, comfort and love.
Our ‘Make a Blanket’ Mornings are open to anyone who'd like to help make the blankets. We provide complimentary light refreshments available while they last.
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Donated Food to the Salvation Army Sierra Vista Corps. Donated food to the Salvation Army Sierra Vista Corps that will be used in their hunger relief program or food bank.
Pay for Eye Exams & Glasses. The Sierra Vista Lions Club screens applicants who are disadvantaged adults in our local community; then pays for eye exams and glasses for those meeting specified economic criteria. We funded exams and glasses for 2 adults in April.
Relay for Life Planning Sessions. The SV Lions Club's Relay for Life team captain attended a planning session for the 2024 American Cancer Society Relay for Life activities. This year's event will be held at the Sierra Vista City Park on August 24th. The Sierra Vista Lions Club's relay team is the "Sierra Vista Lions Roar".
Volunteer at Local School Library. Provided volunteer assistance at a local school library.
MAR 2024
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Collect Donated Eyeglasses. Volunteers collect used/donated eyeglasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses from collection boxes located at multiple sites. The glasses will undergo further processing - usable ones for redistribution to less fortunate individuals in developing countries; unusable ones are recycled.
Donated Food to the Salvation Army Sierra Vista Corps. Donated food to the Salvation Army Sierra Vista Corps that will be used in their hunger relief program or food bank.
Eyeglass Washing, Sorting & Recycling (for eyeglass distribution & recycling programs). Volunteers sorted, washed, dried and prepared used/donated eyeglasses for further processing. The prescriptions of usable glasses will be read at a later date; then the glasses are packaged according to prescriptions and taken to the Tucson Arizona Lions Recycling Terminal (ALERT) for distribution during humanitarian missions. Broken/unusable glasses are boxed up for recycling.
Volunteer at Local School Library. Provided volunteer assistance a local school library.
FEB 2024
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Collect Donated Eyeglasses. Volunteers collect used/donated eyeglasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses from collection boxes located at multiple sites. The glasses will undergo further processing - usable ones for redistribution to less fortunate individuals in developing countries; unusable ones are recycled.
Eyeglass Washing, Sorting & Recycling (for eyeglass distribution & recycling programs). Volunteers sorted, washed, dried and prepared used/donated eyeglasses for further processing. The prescriptions of usable glasses will be read at a later date; then the glasses are packaged according to prescriptions and taken to the Tucson Arizona Lions Recycling Terminal (ALERT) for distribution during humanitarian missions. Broken/unusable glasses are boxed up for recycling.
Placed American Flags at Local Businesses. The Sierra Vista Lions Club raises money by selling annual flag contracts to local businesses and residences. Our Lions install the flag brackets and then place an American flag at the business/residence in the early morning and removes them by sundown. The contract includes 9 predesignated holidays throughout the year. All monies raised goes back to our local and global communities.
Relay for Life Planning Sessions. The SV Lions Club's Relay for Life team captain attended a planning session for the 2024 American Cancer Society Relay for Life activities. This year's event will be held at the Sierra Vista City Park on August 24th. The Sierra Vista Lions Club's relay team is the "Sierra Vista Lions Roar".
Volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul/Our Lady of the Mountains Assistance Center. Provided volunteer assistance to the local St. Vincent de Paul/Our Lady of the Mountains Assistance Center. This center focuses on keeping families in their homes, keeping utilities from being disconnected, and providing additional emergency services as needed (food, clothing vouchers, medical/dental co-pays, transportation, etc.).
Volunteer at Local Food Pantry. Assisted local food pantry with food collection, sorting and distribution.
Volunteer at Local School Library. Provided volunteer assistance at a local school library.
JAN 2024
Aluminum Can Recycling. The Sierra Vista Lions Club collected aluminum cans and donated them to the local Nancy J. Brua Animal Care Shelter. The shelter staff collects the aluminum cans to raise funding for sick and injured stray animals and other general shelter needs.
Collect Donated Eyeglasses. Volunteers collect used/donated eyeglasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses from collection boxes located at multiple sites. The glasses will undergo further processing - usable ones for redistribution to less fortunate individuals in developing countries; unusable ones are recycled.
Placed American Flags at Local Businesses. The Sierra Vista Lions Club raises money by selling annual flag contracts to local businesses and residences. Our Lions install the flag brackets and then place an American flag at the business/residence in the early morning and removes them by sundown. The contract includes 9 predesignated holidays throughout the year. All monies raised goes back to our local and global communities.
Volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul/Our Lady of the Mountains Assistance Center. Provided volunteer assistance to the local St. Vincent de Paul/Our Lady of the Mountains Assistance Center. This center focuses on keeping families in their homes, keeping utilities from being disconnected, and providing additional emergency services as needed (food, clothing vouchers, medical/dental co-pays, transportation, etc.).
Volunteer at Local Food Pantry. Assisted local food pantry with food collection, sorting and distribution.
Volunteer at Local School Library. Provided volunteer assistance at a local school library.