2023 The Year of the Lion in New Hampshire
Governor Chris Sununu joined with Lions from across the Granite State to
sign a proclamation celebrating the birth of Lionism in New Hampshire. In 
June of 1923, the Manchester Lions became the first club and three months
later they chartered the Nashua Lions. In his proclamation Sununu noted that
the state has sent six Lions to the International Board of Directors with over
2,000 Lions serving the citizens of the state on a daily basis fulfilling their
mission of improving the health and well-being of Granite Staters. Taking 
part in the State House ceremoney were current 44H District Governor
Randy Tomkins from Rye, past International Director Ed Farrington from
Milford, past International Director Ed Lecius from Nashua, Governor
Sununu, Manchester Lions president Gene Martin and 44N District
Governor John Wynne from Milford. Manchester Lions will celebrate their
100 years on June 24th at the Puritan Back Room, while Nashua will
hold theirs on September 30th at the Nashua Country Club.
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