
Eyeglass Donations:

We gladly accept donations of your used eyeglasses.  Our dedicated members collect, clean, analyze and sort the glasses.  They are then used for our many Lions-in-Sight mission clinics here in the US and across the globe.  Our members match needy patients with the most appropriate glasses for them...we have given many thouands of people the gift of sight over the years. We also happily accept used hearing aids which are distributed to needy recipients.   Please click on the link below to find your nearest donation location here in Las Vegas.  We truly appreciate your donations!





Help our community just by shopping!  

Do you shop on Amazon?  If you do your shopping on instead, and link your account to the West Charleston Lions Club, a portion of every purchase you make will be donated to our club!  100% of those funds go towards our service projects which benefit the Las Vegas community.  There are no extra fees to you and the website is nearly identical to the regular Amazon website.  Every little bit helps!  


Matching Donations:
Thousands of companies in the U.S. will match their employees’ charitable contributions, enabling you to double or even triple your donation. Is your employer one of them?
 Click here for a list of Matching Gift Companies. The Foundation is a non profit, tax-exempt organization, as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax deductible, as allowed under the Internal Revenue Service code.





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