Photo Gallery
Youngstown Lions gather for the 2016 Labor day parade
Lion Kevin in the lions suit at Youngstown labor day parade 2016
Induction of Lion Lydia Muzzillo September 2016 seen with sponsor Lion Bev Vandeusen, President Richard Allen, and membership director Stu Comerford
From the left Lions Kathy Gratz, Debbie Cumerford, Millie Gibbs, Lonny Gibbs, Bob Gratz and Donna Gubala cooking and serving popcorn at the Youngstown Village Street Dance 2016
Lions Terry Cummings, Pete Kaminski, John Moore, and Lance Dickinson, cook hotdogs ans hamburgers at the St. Johns Church Strawberry festival.
Lion Lynn Noble with son Lion Richard at the St. John's strawberry fest.
Kathy Gratz attaches pin to husband Bob at Lions Award night, President Lion Ernie Lavigueur in background
Kevin Bovanizer and Sarah Wright recieve scholarships from Lions John Stepien and John Rolfe at Lions award night.
Youngstown Lions assisted by Boys Scouts 829 gather to begin the 2016 Adopt a Highway clean up session.