Since the club chartering in 1950, its members have worked on a variety of projects in the local community. Some of these projects are:
- 1st Yachats Rodeo (1952)
- Helped with the original landscaping at the Yachats School (now the Commons)
- Assisted the PUD installing water heater insulation, at no cost to the owner
- Built home access ramps for disabled persons
- Built the concrete stairway for access to the Ocean front
- Built and maintain ocean viewing benches
- Built Lions Hall
- Built shelter at Yachats Memorial Cemetery
- Built picnic shelter near the Commons
- Adopt-a-highway project
Community fundraising activities to support humanitarian service projects are:
- Yachats Lions Thrift Shop
- Year round, hours and days vary
- Farmers Market Sunday 10A - 2P
- Five Breakfasts a Year (Spring Break, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Santa, (Pending and flexible with Covid protocol.)
- Crab Feed (4th Saturday in January)
On-going Service projects are:
- Scholarships
- Flags For First Graders
- Eye Glasses & Hearing Aids
- Food Collection for Yachats Food Pantry
- Mobile Health & Vision Screening (to recommence after Covid)