Wooster Noon Lions Club Scholarship Program
Wooster Noon Lions Club is offers scholarships for students who reside
in Wooster, Ohio or
attend(ed) high school in Wooster (or the Wayne County Career
Center from Wooster High Schoo).
Applicants must meet one or more of the following criteria
(listed in order of priority):
- Visually impaired students;
- Students whose parents or guardians are visually impaired and who have limited means;
- Students with limited means who are in the field of study for sight-related treatment such as ophthalmology, optometry, or nurses or technicians in such related fields;
- Students of limited means who embark on a field of study related to the education of the visually impaired;
- Other students of limited means.
Amount of award and number of recipients vary each year, based on available funds and applications received. Applications are due each year on May15th.
For more inforamtion, contact the Club or Wayne County Community Foundation.