
Visit to Stanlake Park Vineyard, July 2024

Handover BBQ to celebrate the start of a new Lion Year, June 2024

At the start of each (Lion) year we celebrate the achivements of the previous year and the handing over of the Presidential role.



41st Charter Dinner, October 2023

We would like to thank all of our guests for making our 41st Annual Charter Dinner and Dance a great success.

Excellent food, great company and tremendous fun. All combined with raising money for local worthy charities.

A special thanks to Caroline Smith, Earley Town Mayor, for taking the time to attend and address our event, to Sonning Golf Club for providing excellent food and service throughout the night and to our DJ for the night John Johhny.

Congratulations to our very own Mike Tarling for receiving his 25 years long service award at our recent meeting! Picture below of the presentation by 1st Vice District Governor David Ebsworth!

Winter Dinner 

This informal dinner last took place at Bearwood Lakes Golf Club on 2nd February 2019.  Good food and good company made for a pleasant evening.


Summer Barbecue 

Members were hosted for our summer BBQ in the rather beautiful garden of our esteemed President Val Oakley. Attending Lions enjoyed coming together as a 'Pride' once more and £200 was raised through donations for our charty pot!

Autumn Barbecue 

In September 2019 at one of our member's houses we met for a barbecue which proved to be a great success


Team Breakfast 

In July 2018 the club convened at the Coppa Club, in the Great House Hotel in Sonning for a full english breakfast.  This proved to be very popular and we hope to be repeating this event ASAP!

Charter Night Dinner & Dance 

On 20th October 2018 we celebrated 38 years as a club.  Husbands, wives, friends and guests came to  Sonning Golf Club where we enjoyed an evening of good food, dancing and camaraderie.

Bowls Evening 

In October 2018 we (and friends) also enjoyed an evening at Erleigh Indoor Bowling Club.  The Club provided a session of tuition for the 30 people at the event.  This was followed by a sumptous buffet in the club's dining room.  Then, thus fortified, we took on a session of serious competitive bowling, again supervised by the Club members. For the uninitiated it proved to be quite difficult.  However it was collectively agreed to have been a very entertaining evening.  Our thanks go to the Erleigh Indoor Bowling Club for all their efforts on the night.  The Lions party were so busy they failed to take any photographs!

Outing to Fawley Park (May 2018)

In May 2018 we visited Fawley Park, home of the late Sir William McAlpine, in the grounds of which there is a private railway and (first class) museum of railway memorabilia.

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