
Williamsburg Host Lions 2024/25 Officers

Office Lions Name
President Lynda Kleiwerda
Immdiate Past President Vacant
1st V President Paul Kerr
2nd V President Cary Grant
Secretary Pat Kerr
Assistant Secretary Doug Brown
Admin Treasurer Peggy Grant
Activities Treasurer Chet Kramer PCC
Membership Chairperson Pat Kerr
Lion Tamer John Reaser
Tail Twister Walker Knight
LCIF Coordinator Dudley Orr
2-Year Director Jeff Jacops
2-Year Director Mary Lou Newman
2-Year Director Vacant
LCI Service Chairperson John Dean 
















Williamsburg Host Lions Guest Book

If you are interested in hearing more iabout our club,

please contact Lion Pat Kerr @ or leave your contact

information with the name of your club and locaton

Guest Name Lions Club & Location




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