Photo Gallery
Conmemorative US Stamp
Lions Raul Santiago, ildefonso b. ortega and Alex Delgado at the Guateque
Lions Governor Elected Alec Hernandez, his wife Blanca and Carmita Santiago at the Guateque
Lion President Elect Dr. Ramon Garcia-Septien and candidate Javier Gonzalez at the Guateque
Secretaries Night - Noche de las Secretaries = Lions Miami Lautaro L.C., Secretary Ellen Morales, DG Edgar E. Roa and President Ildefonso B. Ortega
Lions at the 2010 Guateque
1 VG Elected Diana Castillo and Martin Murphy at the Guateque
Antonio Rodriguez Family at the Guateque
Lions Alex Delgado, Nadia Valdez and their daugher Valentina at the 2010 Guateque
Candidate to Leo Valentina Melissa Delgado at the 2010 Guateque