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Under President Patsy's leadership and dedication our club received the award for the Most Improved Club for 2017-2018 in District 31-I.

Our club is proud of this accomplishment! Thank you Past District Governor George Culp

President Patsy and Lions Christie, Marsha, Judy, Joan and Lenual were present at our District 31-I Awards Banquet to take part in our achievement!

Our Vision Screening was a success and we appreciate the members, family and friends who volunteered to man the stations. Pictured are volunteer Amy and Lions Christie, Joan and Marsha.

Thanks to Dr. Randalll Stein of Horizon Eye Care and his tech Stacy for their time and expertise.

Our club held a free vision screening on June 15, 2018 at Lowe's Home Improvement.

We had a good number of participants show up for both the 5K and the one mile walk/run. We're thankful for all that joined us.

April 10, 2018 we had our first Lions Club 5K/1 mile walk/run.

We delivered 2 Literature Magnifiers to our Visually Enhanced Media Center for our Legacy Project at the Iredell County Library in Statesville.

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