
2019-2020 Officers

President– Terry Rosiak


Terry has been a Lion for 4 years. She loves working as a single unit to serve our community and all the conversations and laughter she shares with her fellow Lions. She was awarded the International President's Appreciation Award for the 2018-2019 year!


Vice President– Heather Roark

Heather joined the club two years ago. She loves helping the community and the fun events the club has! She was selected as the West Berlin Lion of the Year for 2018-2019. 

Second Vice President- Carly Jones

Carly has been a Lion for two years now. She has been involved with the organization since she was in the sixth grade, by attending meetings with her mother. She was the Leo Club president at Bangor High School for two years. Additionally, she earned Oustanding Lion of the year for West Berlin in 2018-2019.

Treasurer– Mark Surace

Mark has been a Lion for 7 years now. He loves giving back to the community he works in. It is a rewarding experience to help those in need!


Club Membership– Jean Poper

Jean has been a Lion for 27 years. She is one of the founders of the West Berlin Lions. She is a past president, past zone chair, and past region chair. She earned the West Berlin Presidential Appreciation award in 2018-2019. 


Marketing Communications Chairperson– Ryan DiGiovanni

Ryan is in his second year as a Lion. He enjoys being able to volunteer in the community and have the opportunity to meet new people. He earned Outstanding Lion of the year in 2018-2019 for the West Berlin Lions Club. 


LCIF Coordinator– Sharon Ammann

Sharon has been a Lion for 4 years. She loves the friendships she has with her fellow Lions and knowing that they are giving back to the community together. 

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