- Meetings on second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM at The Rock Country Club.
- Dues: $75 per member per year
- For information about Lions International, visit the website at www.lionsclubs.org
Annual activities for Waupun Lions Club:
- Gun Raffle, one drawing per month per calendar year.
- Usually two brat fries per year, one in Spring, one in Fall
- Cornea tissue transport to/from Fond du Lac State Patrol to Marshfield Medical Center - Beaver Dam to Lions Eye Bank in Madison and vice versa (June)
- Golf Outing at The Rock Country Club during summer, fund raiser open to public
- Salvation Army Christmas Bell Ringing
- Used eyeglass collection
Some Waupun Lions Club Beneficiaries:
- $1,000 four year scholarship to local high school senior
- Large print books for Waupun Library
- Electronic readers for visually impaired at Waupun Library and Waupun Senior Center
- Lions Camp in Rosholt, Wisconsin
- Leader Dogs
- Blind Outdoor Leisure Development (BOLD)
- Waupun Little League
- Waupun Dodge Park
- Waupun Food Pantry
- Waupun Police Department
- Dodge County Sheriff’s Department
- Waupun Animal Shelter
- Waupun Food Pantry
- Holiday Help for the Needy
- Lions Eye Bank
- Waupun Union Youth Center