
Our main drive is to help those in need of eyecare, and we make every effort to help those in need in our local community. Here are our guidelines should you be interested in applying for assistance from our club:

Contact our Sight Coordinator - Kathleen Roehm at 

Applicant completes the application and then returns the application AND the requested documentation to the Wauchula Lions Sight Coordinator.

The sight coordinator reviews all requested information (debt and income) to determine eligibility of the client for our assistance -- we currently use the Federal Poverty guidelines for adult applicants.

For students the application process can be through the Health Department OR through school staff.

If the Sight Coordinator is contacted by a local school teacher and the student is receiving free or reduced lunch-- an application is sent directly to the school staff to expedite the student receiving sight services.

Additionally -- anytime an aplication is received for a child for glasses, the sight coordinator will give every consideration to the application (as pertaining to the federal poverty level) due to the age of the applicant.

To the public of Hardee County we would say: Please take care of your eyes, don't be embarrased to ask for help for you or your child if your finances are not at a level to afford eye care. Let us try to help!

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