

Published 3/15/2019

Wapakoneta Lions Club President Lilburn Cummins presented a check of $100 in support of the Summer Reading Program for the Auglaize County Public Library to Director Beth Steiner and Library Services Manager Kristine Spyker this past Tuesday.  The donation is in addition to the $3000 Capital Campaign pledge in support of the recently completed Wapakoneta Library Renovation Project and is one of the many ways the Lions Club gives back to the community.


Published 11/30/2017

The Wapakoneta Lions Club is getting ready for the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing by painting the woodwork and polishing the organization emblems on the Community Entrance signs.  The club installed the signs in partnership with the city to the five primary entrances of Wapakoneta in 1998 and 1999.  Members continue to maintain the signs while the Roots and Shoots Garden Club continues to beautify the signage with flowers and plantings every year.

Taking advantage of the recent moderate weather this week, Lions Club members Jim Wachauf, Kenny Weber, Matt Maxson, and Lilburn Cummins painted the woodwork at the Bellefontaine Street entrance to Wapakoneta.

Published 11/20/2017

Wapakoneta Lions Club President Lilburn Cummins presents a check for $1000 to D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Officer Sam Blank in support of the ongoing program.  Looking on is Auglaize County Sheriff Al Solomon and Lions Club Secretary Rollie Wellington. The Lions Club has supported the D.A.R.E. program at the Wapakoneta Middle School for over 20 years and is one of the many ways the Lions Club gives back to the community.

 Published 11/15/2017

The picture below reflects the following article:

The Wapakoneta Lions Club presents a check for $2527.50 for the purchase of three additional body cameras for the Wapakoneta Police Department.  These cameras will be designated for three new officers in the department. This purchase will supplement the fourteen cameras purchased in 2016 with a donation of $8400 from the Club.  Presenting the check to Chief Calvin Schneider is Lions Club member Paul Eisert along with Lions Club Treasurer Terry Pulley.  The Wapakoneta Police Department was the first department in Auglaize County to utilize body cameras.


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