
Wantage and Grove Lions are setting up a branch club in Didcot. The branch club will meet once a month to complete business and establish a partnership with Wantage and Grove Lions, as we work as a team to build and establish a Chartered Lions club of Didcot. Each branch member will be a member of Wantage and Grove  club however you will hold your own meetings and one representative of the branch club will attend/report back to Wantage and Grove Club. Both clubs will work together on community projects and hopefully the branch club will establish their own community projects over time. This can include attending fete's with a stall to raise funds or clearing an area of weeds and rubbish in the community working with guides or scouts. 


We need 5 people to open the branch club and need 3 essential roles to be filled;

1) Club President

2) Club Treasurer

3) Club Secretary

All members will decide on the community projects taken on and how the clubs funds raised will be distirbuted back into the community. 


Please contact if you would like more information or would be interested in attending a coffee meeting or social event to learn more about Lions.



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