Please check out our new website
launched on 11/27/2023
Started in February 2023 , the new Vergennes Leo Club is the teen program under the guidance of the Vergennes Lions Club. At the first meeting on March 1, 2023 the group set goals for projects for the year and wrapped up a project to collect 500.00 worth of medicial supplies to send to field hospitals in the Ukraine, partnering with another not for profit. The first officers and student leaders of the group are ( l-r) Secretary Megan Mentzer, Vice- President Collin Clair, and President- Ben Hargett. The group is excited to work with the community and the Vergennes Lions to help the community reach goals. Vergennes Lion Mason Charlebois and Lion Michael Davis serve as the adult mentors for the club.
Vergennes Leo's Club will hold its next regular meeting on Thursday, January 4th from 3:00-4:15 pm at Vergennes Union High School and on Thursday, March 28, 2024 in the basement of the Bixby Library. Please check out the LEO Club website at
The Vergennes Leos are the proud recepient of a 5,000 Leo Service Grant from LCIF and are working to create a building for owl rehabilitation and to reclaim some land for soft release environments with the Otter Creek Wildlife Rescue in our area. This multi step process will involve first education and then work with wildlife rehabilitators, game wardens, tree specialists and Lions and volunteers. The project is now in the final phases and in addition to the planting of the ecosystems, the owls will move into their new building on Saturday, September 30th from 9:00-10:30 am.This photo show the beginning of educational opportunities where LEOS work with rehabbers who are licensed to teach about raptors.
LEO Ben Hargett, LEO Megan Mentzer, DAR Officer Joy Minns, LEO McKenzie Flint, LEO Scout Jacobson and LEO Wilder Jacobson gather together at a recent Awards Ceremony. LEO members won local and state recognition in history essay contests and as the DAR Good Citizen.
Want to learn more about us? Please check out our site at
LEO DATES ( All dates below are open to all members)
Service Projects- (Still to add one fundraiser)
Sunday, March 16
Spare Lanes- Colchester, Vt
Bowling with Lions as part of a fundraiser for Boys & Girls Club of Greater Vergennes
Time 2:30-4:30 pm
Cost to you: None Included shoes, pizza, soda, water and two hours of bowling
Friday, March 28th Saturday, March 29th
Vergennes Food Shelf, South Water Street, Vergennes, Vt.
Two double hung windows will be removed and replaced with insulated windows. Two LESO will work with Lion Chirs Clair. LEOS will be instructed on how to remove the window, install the new window and clean up.
Time 8:00 am- 3:00 pm Wear work clothes, boots
We will provide food and water.
Thursday April 24, Friday, April 25th, Sunday, April 27th
Vergennes Food Shelf, South Water Street, Vergennes
Floor Preparation and Painting
Thursday, April 24th, Friday, April 27th, Sunday, April 27 9:00-3:00
Floor Preparation and Painting and setting back up- Vergennes Foodshelf- South Water Street
Saturday, May 17th
: First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington, in Burlington Vermont.
12:00 noon - 3:00 pm Cost to you : None. LEOS will make a donation
Monday, May 26th
MEMORIAL DAY 9:00 am-2<00 pm in the park
Selling popcorn and balloons.
Working at hotdog and hamburger stand
Helping where needed
Need 5 LEOS
Thursday, May 29th Friday, May 30th Saturday, May 31st
Vergennes Food Shelf
South Water Street, Vergennes
Each day we will have shifts of
8:00 am-12:00 noon and
12:00 Noon- 4:00 pm
LEOS will work with contractor Eric Jacobson to take off rotting clapboards and take away cement that is breaking up. New clapboards will be cut, printed and painted to match the siding color and installed.
Sunday, June 1
End of year party
Horse back riding at Pond Hill Ranch in Castleton, Vt
1:00 ride.
Leave Vergennes 11:30
Arrive Back 4:30