Van Buren opened for Lunch August 12th at the Popcorn Festival. We closed late Saturday evening on the 14th.
See the results below
It's Tenderloin time
The Lines Form
and Customers are happy!
Cowboys Visit
And Young Ladies get them by the sack full.
The Van Buren Lions serve our local Community, our District, State, Country and the International Communites in broad variety of ways.
Locally, we have supported Van Buren's Youth Sports, the Little Panther Preschool with gifts and fund raisors. We created and maintain the Green Space Park in the center of town and are a major supporter of the Popcorn Festival each year.
Our latest project includes working with another organization
to provide an access ramp for a handicapped lady here in Van Buren. Local Lions provided funding for materials and men from Mt Olive Methodist Church, engaging in their special ministry, did the actual construction. See it become reality here.
Lions have long been known for involvement in vision and eye health. Locally, the Van Buren Lions do annual vision screenings for preschool children and have provided for eye examinations and glasses procurement for children referred by the elementary school teachers and/or principal. Another local activity is the science fair electrical project for 4th grade students each year. (See Events page for pictures of this year's activity.)
State efforts include support for Cancer research, Speech and Hearing therapies, the Leader Dog Program and Lions Eye Bank. International efforts are supported by contributioins to the Campaign for Sight First and LCIF funding of disaster relief.