Recording Secretary
Duties for the recording Secretary include taking minutes for each reqular meeting of the Club and for each Board meeting
Minutes need to be distributed to members for approval and then maintained for Club history
Administrative Secretary
This poistion is the "official" secretary for LCI purposes. LCI grants access to Club Membership and activities files so that these can be kept current. The Club Member sees this individual as the contact person for any needs in these areas.
Activities expected to be performed by this peron include:
1. Maintain Member records including adding and deleting Members, updating Member inormation as phone numbers, addresses, email and etc. Members need to notify the Secretary when they have changes.
2. Creates and updates the Club Member lists with phone numbers and email for distribution to members.
3. Keep Club activities up to date on LCI website
4. Keep Club legal records safe and up to date.
5. Create Certificates of Insurance for Club activities.
6. Order supplies from LCI such as New Member kits, vests and etc.
7. Assist President and other Officers as requested.
8. Add, edit and update the Lions E-Clubhouse Website