Club Projects and Links
Upcoming Fundraisers
Spring Paper Shredding and Hard Drive Destruction Event- May 7 2016, visit our calendar for more details
100% of funds raised and collected from the public are returned to the community through projects, programs, and donations.
Here are some examples of how the Uxbridge Lions are working to make a difference in our Community:
• Provided glasses and hearing aids for local residents in need
• Provided monetary donations to the Uxbridge Food Pantry
• Provided monetary donations to help local fire victims
• Provided monetary donation to Uxbridge Supports Our Troops
• Provided transportation to sight impaired residents for special events in the area
• Awarded the Lions Club Scholarship to Uxbridge High School Seniors
• Provided monetary donations for Community Projects
• Participated in Earth Day Cleanup hosted by the Blackstone River Watershed Association (BRWA)
• Sponsored luncheons for the seniors at the Uxbridge Senior Center
• Brought the Lions Sight Mobile to Uxbridge First Night Celebration
• Refurbished donated eyeglasses and provided them to individuals in need
• Supported First Night Committee through volunteer activities
• Donated funds to Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund for eye research.
• Contributed funds to NEADS assistance dogs. And more......