Club Projects
Teacher Appreciation
Then president Lion Liz Fair on the left,and Lion Jane Little on the right.
In 2021, we paid tribute to the Upper Adams Schools District with cookie trays and bags of treats. We made cookies galore (85 dozen to be exact), shamrocks, and packed and delivered trays of cookies for the staff of the Upper Adams schools.
We also gave out treat bags for the cafeteria workers, custodians and bus drivers. This whole project was so well received that we decided to do it again in the spring of 2022. The great thing about this is the amount of people that we can express appreciation to, thank you Biglerville school staff! Thank you to all the Lions that contributed to this effort!
The Food Pantry
(Quarterly we provide a meal and help serve those in need)
And at Camp Nawakwa
(We donate funds and help make and serve meals)
The Upper Adams County Lions Club has donated
$22,315 to the following projects and organizations during 2021:
Adams County Rescue Mission
Adams County SPCA
Biglerville Bourough Christmas Decoration Project
Camp Nawakwa (Environmental Camp)
District 14-C Projects
LCIF Hurricane Relief Fund
New Oxford Lions
Pennsylvania Lions Beacon Lodge
Penn National Lions Club
Salvation Army
Student of the Month
Upper Adams Food Panty
York Springs Lions