

President Ln. Dr. Abhay Mankar with outstanding Jai Seva Award

Lion Hema Nirjesh Verma addressing to parents and teacher under Lion Quest Program

VDG II MJF Ln. Gyaneshwar Ji Wandile addressing audience during Lion Quest Program

Lion President Dr. Abhay Mankar addressing to parents and teacher during Lion Quest Program.

Lion Secretary Prof. Manmohan Pacholi  gives introduction of Key note spekar in front of parents and teacher during Lion Quest Program

Lion Quest District Chairperson Ln. Dr. Sanjay Thtere  working for youth development under program Lion Quest.

Teachers and Paraents along with wife of MJF Ln. Pradip Padole's wife Ln. Kanchan Padole and Secretary Manmohan Pacholi's Wife Lect. Mohini Pacholi  during Lion Quest Training Program

Lion Secretary Prof. Manmohan Pacholi , Lion Tr. Prof. Nirjesh Verma along with his wife Lion quest Cochairman Ln. Hema verma  giving momento to f Key note spekar Ln. Dr. Sanjay Thtere during Lion Quest Program

Dr. Khan Checking paitent in Plastic surgery camp held at pacholis scats computer Tumsar Dr. Khan Checking paitent in Plastic surgery camp held at pacholis scats computer Tumsar

Regional Seminar Goden Memories Where Lion Club Tumsar Won Almost All Awards and put sound impact on Program.

Blood Donation Camp Organised by the Lions Club with support of other club in which 50 Unit of blood

collected which saved 150 Life. Lion Secretary Manmohoan Pacholi also donated  350 ML blood



Friendship Cricket Match between Lions Club Tumsar and JCI club Tumsar for Club Interlinking social Cause


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