
Mega Medical Camp at Marygiri H.S. School, Trivandrum

On November 16 2012, we have conducted a Medical Camp for the entire 1200 students of the school. The camp started with a simple inaugural meeting in which the school manager, Principal and four Lion members from our club participated. At the meeting the school management prized the services of Lions Clubs International in General and Trivandrum Passion Lions Club in Particular.

After the meeting, a team of five doctors under the leadership of our own member Dr. Hema Francis, started examining the students. Five Lions from our club took charge of the camp and stayed at the camp till the closing of it in the evening. The school authorities helped us to organize the camp in a systematic manner. Necessary stationary like medical report forms were also supplied by the school. The five doctors in the team examined students at five different consultation rooms and the camp went on in a smooth flow without any hickups. 



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