Greetings Fellow Lions, Leos, CUBS and Friends:
Guest Post by Lion Ty Stacy
Hello fellow Lions-
We had a flurry of activity in October with cooking events at Greenfield Soccer and the Lasagna Dinner. Both events were successful and many lessons to be had for future events. A thank you to all that were able to participate. A lot of fun was had at all events.
We also had a surprise at the October dinner in which various utensils were handed out by the Middle Grove Fire House Auxiliary. Forks, spoons, and knives were not offered but ice cream scoops, spatulas and tongs were available. OK, we did concede and allowed the use of “normal” utensils in order to finish dinner.
The meetings have been a little longer than usual. However there has been some great discussion and participation by all members. Each member was asked to state why they became a Lion and the answers varied greatly. Getting back to our core causes and “keeping it local” seems to be a popular idea.
Coming in the future are the Christmas Tree sales and the Christmas Pop-Up Shop as well as work on another Mardi Gras Party!!! Looking forward to hearing about all of these events to fill our winter.
We also have further discussion regarding some strategic planning and the budget in the coming months. Might there be another surprise for dinner? Only time will tell!!
Lion Ty Stacey, VP/Co-Secretary
King Lion Andrea Penamora Town of Greenfield Lions Club 518-528-7776