Taylor Lions Club
Taylor, Texas
January 23, 2025: Taylor Lions held their annual Chili Supper fundraiser at the SPJST Lodge in Taylor. This was all-hands-on-deck for Lions and additional help from Kiwaniis and THS Silver Chords. Thanks to all.
January 10, 2025: Taylor Lions concluded the 2025 Annual Taylor Lions Foundation Sponsorship Campaign, raising $9,900 from 31 sponsors. Thanks to all the sponsors listed on the poster below!
Club members who recruited the most sponsors were Keith H (5), Griffin T (4) & Brenda C (3). Another 14 Club members had at least 1 sponsor. Great job!
December 9, 2024: Taylor Lions, together with Citizens National Bank, donated over 100 toys for the Taylor Red Santa program through the Taylor Fire Department. Below, Taylor Lions present the gifts. Red Santa will accept donations through noon on 12/13/2024.
November 22, 2024: The Taylor Lions Club delivered a $3000. donation to Shepherds Heart Food Pantry to help offset some of the cost for Turkeys this Thanksgiving. Shepherds Heart is a vital resource for families in the Taylor area. The Taylor Lions Club stays true to it’s motto “We Serve” by supporting their work.
November 5, 2024: Twenty Taylor Lions with numerous Kiwanis Club members served pancakes for about 440 hungry folks at the Kiwanis Annual Pancake Supper, Taylor ISD Main Street Campus. It was a great event and fun to work with the Kiwanis. Below, Lions Cathy, Candice, Michael, Tom, Griffin & Keith man the iindoor serving line.
October 27, 2024: Lions Tom, Brenda, Cathy and Deborah provide parking for the annual Taylor Car Show.
October 24, 2024: Lions hosted a booth at Music on Main at Heritage Park in Taylor, where they sold tickets to the joint Kiwanis & Lions Pancake Supper on 11/5/24.
October 9, 2024: Three Taylor Lions provided KidSight vision screening for 48 youth at St. Mary's Elementary School. Here, Heidi Altmann from St Mary's School thanked Lions for their help.
September 30 & October 1, 2024: Seven Taylor Lions provided KidSight visions screening for 347 youth at TH Johnson Elementary.
September 24, 2024: Three Taylor Lions provided KidSight vision screening for 95 youth at Thrall Elementary School.
September 19, 2024: Two Taylor Lions provided KidSight visions screening for 56 youth at Coupland Elementary School.
August 17, 2024: Taylor Lions assisted as judges at the Taylor International BBQ Cook-Off.
Lions Brenda & Erwin ready to judge, with Matt & Adolph.
Lions Jesse & Glenn watching other judges and waiting for their event.
Aug. 8, 2024: Taylor Lions assisted the St. Peter VBS with KidSight vision screening at a mobile home park in Walburg.
July 31 & Aug 1, 2024: Taylor Lions assisted WBCO Head Start with KidSight vision screening in Georgetown and Round Rock. This included children from Taylor, Bartlett, Hutto, RR & Georgetown.
June 13, 2024: Taylor Lions served a hot dogs, watermelon and drinks to 60 youth at basketball in the park at Taylor's Robinson Park. This is the annual summer event hosted by Taylor ISD and Taylor Parks & Rec Dept. Nice group of youth on Thursday evening after rains cancelled the Tuesday event. Below are Lions Griffin, Tom, Deborah, Herb, Brenda, Gayle, Shane & Don. The next picture includes TISD event coordinator, John Matthews.
May 7, 2024: Taylor Lions presented college scholarships at the Taylor ISD awards banquet. Recipients were invited to join us at an upcoming Friday meeting for club recognition.
May 4, 2024: Taylor Lions hosted a Pet Adoption Day at the Taylor Animal Shelter. Several Lions participated. The event resulted in 6 pet adoptions. On Friday, 5/10/24, Lions presented a $600 check to the Taylor Animal Shelter for the cost of the adoptions and another $400 to Texas Critter Crusaiders for food at the shelter.
April 6, 2024: Taylor Lions hosted their 2024 Golf Tournament with 14 teams on the 9 hole course. We had great weather and a great event!
January 25, 2024: Taylor Lions hosted a successful drive-through chili supper - as they have done for almost 50 years. Lions sold 661 tickets! Great event and a chance to showcase our 2024 sponsors to chili eaters around our community!
January 13, 2024: Taylor Lions concluded their 2024 Taylor Lions Foundation Sponsorship Campaign with 28 sponsors. Sponsor donations ranged from $150 to over $1,000. Taylor Lions appreciate & depend upon support from these sponsors to help fund our charitable efforts in the community. Please consider these businesses when you are in need of local services. And tell them, "Thanks for your support to the community!"
December 15, 2023: Lion Keith and his daughters delivered gifts and a check from the Taylor Lions Foundation to the Red Santa Program at the Taylor FIre Department.
November 28, 2023: Lion Deborah delivered gifts from members of the Taylor Lions Club to PDG Gary Fuchs. These gifts were sent to Dell Children's Hospital in Austin as patient gifts.
November 17, 2023: Loretta Masters, Exec Director for Shepherd’s Heart of Taylor, receives a $2,000 check from Taylor Lions Club president, Tom Schneider at the 11/17/2023 Lions Club Meeting at Sirloin Stockade. Taylor Lions have supported Shepherd’s Heart for many years, especially around the Thanksgiving season.
November 7, 2023: Taylor Lions, in cooperation with the Taylor Kiwanis, hosted the annual Pancake Supper at the Taylor Main Street Campus cafeteria. About 335 tickets were served, plus numerous student helpers from Taylor ISD Silver Cords!
October 3, 2023: Taylor Lions performed Kidsight SPOT vision screening for about 60 children in the Coupland ISD. Several were referred for further eye examinations.
September 9, 2023: Special guest, Lindsie Almquist on behalf of the new Craftsman Center job training program, accepted a donation from Taylor Lions. Other teachers & students joined her at our meeting! Proud to help.
August 26, 2023: Taylor Lions hosted their Annual Golf Tournament at Mustang Creek Golf Course. A Club record was set for the number of Annual Sponsors and Golf Tournament Food/Drink/Gift/ or Hole Sponsors) and for the number of players. We expect great financial results to enable great projects for the local community, Texas Lions Camp and other needs as they arise.
August 3, 5, 7 & 8, 2023: Taylor Lions performed vision screening for Head Start programs in Taylor and Bartlett, plus for Florence Baptist and St. Peter Lutheran of Walburg. About 140 children were screened with numerous children referred to optometrists for full vision testing. School testing will begin in October.
June 30, 2023: Taylor Lions Club members visited Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville. While there, Taylor Lions Foundation President Shane & PDG Gayle delivered a $2,000 donation plus an additional $500 in honor of DG Stephen Fuchs to the Texas Lions Camp
June 13 & 15, 2023: Basketball in the Park at Robinson Park in Taylor from 6pm-8pm. Lions provided drinks and snacks to 100 kids on Tueday, 6/13, and a hotdog meal on Thursday, 6/15.
May 9, 2023: Lions awarded two x $2,000 college scholarships to Taylor ISD graduates at the TISD Awards Ceremony.
May 7, 2023: Hosted Sunday afternoon membership picnic at Bull Branch Park from 2p-6p for all Lions and Leos.
April 29, 2023: Taylor Lions hosted & sponsored Pet Adoption Day from 9a-noon in parking lot behind to Citizens National Bank and across from the City Hall Pavillion. The Taylor Lions Foundation paid the cost of adoption from the Taylor City Animal Shelter for 5 dogs and 1 cat, and made a donation to Animal Shelter Critter Crusaders.
April 15, 2023: Taylor Lions supported the inaugural "Break the Silence" event at 8:00am at the City Hall Pavillion. The goal is/was to raise awareness of sexual abuse of children and give victims a safe way to speak out.
April 4, 2023: Taylor Lions provided free KidSight vision screening for children at the Child Development Center, St. Paul Lutheran Church of Taylor. Twenty-five children were tested and several were recommended for eye exams.
March 25, 2023: Taylor Lions Club celebrated Lions White Cane Day on Satuday in front of Walmart.
January 26, 2023: Taylor Lions Club hosted its annual Chili Supper fundraiser at SPJST Hall in Taylor. Lions served homemade chili. All proceeds go to the Taylor Lions Foundation.
January 13, 2023: Taylor Lions concluded the 2023 Annual Taylor Lions Foundation , 501(c)3, Sponsorship Program for the Taylor Lions Foundation. Thanks to these sponsors!
[March 2023 update: Added Durcon as a Gold Sponsor!]
November 8, 2022: Taylor Lions partnered with the Taylor Kiwanis Club to present the annual post-election pancake supper at the Main Street Intermediate School cafeteria.
October 13, 2022: Taylor Lions provided free vision screening for 83 youth (PK through 1st Grade) at Coupland ISD.
October 4 & 5, 2022: Taylor Lions provided free vision screening to 383 youth (PK through 1st Grade) at TH Johnson Elementary school in Taylor.
August 27, 2022: Taylor Lions hosted the annual Lions Golf Tournament at Mustang Creek Golf Course in Taylor. Among the 17 teams, the Williams Team won 1st place for gross score and the City National Bank Team won 1st place after handicaps.
August 20, 2022: Taylor Lions Co-Hostd the Taylor BBQ Cook-Off at Murphy Park.
July 25, 2022: Taylor Lions provided Kidsight SPOT Vision Screening in Taylor for 34 children in Taylor's Harris-Ross Head Start program.
July 18, 2022: Taylor Lions provided Kidsight SPOT Vision Screening for 20 children in the Bartlett Head Start program.
June 7th & 9th, 2022: Taylor Lions provided refreshments for Basketball in the Park at Robinson Park in southeast Taylor. We had a nice crowd of Lions and both hungry & thirsty kids at this annual summer event hosted by John Matthews and local churches.
May 27, 2022: The Taylor Lions Club president, Shane Polach presented $2,250 to Lion Greg Dews, District Chair for the Leader Dog Program. $1,000 came from profits of local projects within the community and another $1,250 came from member donations! Also in the photo are Shane, Nanette Dews, Greg Dews and Leader Dog in-training, Shelby.
May 17, 2022: Taylor Lions Club president Shane Polach attended the Taylor ISD awards assembly and presented the certificates for $4,000 in scholarships.
May 13, 2022: Taylor Lions Club presented Lion Past District Governor Gary Fuchs with a $300 check to cover the annual insurance cost for the KidSight SPOT Vision Screening equipment in Taylor. The Club also presented a $200 check to Melanie Rathke, co-founder of Texas Critter Crusade. This was in addition to $800 donated to the Taylor City Animal Shelter to cover fees for 8 adoptions on the weekend of April 30!
April 30, 2022: Taylor Lions Club (working with the Taylor City Animial Shelter) sponsored a local pet adoption and pet-food collection day on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at the Citizens National Bank parking lot. The Club donated $1,000 toward adoptions and pet supplies at the pet shelter. The event was responsible for adoption of 10 pets (4 dogs and 6 cats). A member of the Taylor Animal Shelter said this was the most successful event they had ever hosted. Great job, Lions!
February 11, 2022: Taylor Lions Club announces the date for its annual Golf Tournament. The event will be hosted at the Taylor Mustang Creek Golf Club on Saturday, August 27, 2022, beginning at 7:30 AM for sign-in and 8:00 AM tee-off.
February 11, 2022: Following TISD Superintendent Devin Padavil's announcement that he will fund $1,500 for two scholarships this school year, Taylor Lions announced they would add $4,000 to Dr. Padavil's scholarship fund.
Shaking hands with Taylor Lions Club president Shane Polach, Dr. Padavil was thrilled to acknowledge and accept the Taylor Lions' scholarship funds for 2022.
January 27, 2022: Taylor Lions had great community support for the annual Chili Supper! With a host of Lions, family and friends, we prepared and served about 1,000 pints of chili. Most was sold, but the extra chili was donated to the Taylor Firemen. The extra packaged cookies and crackers were donated to Shepherd's Heart. Special thanks to Taylor SPJST and to all our sponosrs for their support!
Cooking is done & customers are lined up as the assembly line fills chili cups.
Bagging chili for customer delivery!
The Junior NHS helpers were really appreciated!
January 26, 2022: Taylor Lions concluded the successful 2022 Sponsorship campaign on 1/17/2022. Sponsorship funds support the Taylor Lions Foundation. Every dollar goes toward support of charities and charity fundraisers. Thanks to the Taylor community for your support!
December 10, 2021: Taylor Lions purchased toys and presented a check to the Taylor Red Santa program. It is a joy to help the Firemen help underpriviledged children in our community!
November 12, 2021: Loretta M provided an update on needs and services at Shepherd's Heart. Following the presentation, Lions presented Shepherds Heart with a $2,000 donation toward Thanksgiving turkeys and other needs at the food bank.
October 28, 2021: Taylor Lions participated in the Bartlett "Lights On" Afterschool Program. Lions provided treats and KidSight vision screening.
October 15-27, 2021: Taylor Lions, in cooperation with Taylor ISD, provided KidSight vision screening for 356 youth from Pre-K through grade 1. Thanks to Lion Sarah for organizing this in-school event.
September 11, 2021: Taylor Lions participated in the Taylor Business Expo, where they provided free KidSight vision screening and discussed the advantages of becomin a Lion with service-minded individuals in the community. They won the 'People's Choice' award for their presentation and activities.
August 28, 2021: Taylor Lions hosted their annual Golf Tournament beginning at 8am at Mustang Creek Golf Course. Community participation once again made this event an outstanding success. This is one of our major fundraising activities!
Below (top): Golfer registration table with sponsor information. (bottom): Putt-off with winning put going into the hole.
August 14, 2021: At the Taylor 5K Run, the Taylor Lions will provide a shady tent, a cool drink and a free vision screening opportunity for kids using the KidSight screening tools.
July 28, 2021: District Lions Meeting in Pflugerville. All Lions welcomed.
July 27, 2021: Taylor KidSight vision screening at Head Start facility, 303 Ferguson.
July 20, 2021: Bartlett KidSight vision screening at Head Start facility in Bartlett, Texas. We screened 29 children and referred 5 to their optomotrist.
July 13, 2021: The Taylor Lions Club installation banquet was held on Tuesday, 7/13, beginning at 6pm at the Holiday Inn Express. Thanks to Lion Deborah for organizing the event!
June 29, 2021: We congratulate our own Lion Gayle C as she was installed as the new Governor for Lions District 2S-3.
July 10, 2021: Taylor Lions offered KidSight SPOT Visions Screening from 8:00 am - 10:30 am under the Pavillion at Murphy park. The event coincided with the Taylor 5k Run and the Kids 1K Run which both start and end at the Pavillion.
June 22 & 24, 2021: On Tuesday & Thursday evening, Taylor Lions provided refreshments for children during the community Midnight Basketball activities in Robinson Park.
May 1, 2021: The Taylor Volunteer Fair was cancelled due to severe weather. We encourage Taylor residents to seek out local charitable organization where they can serve and share their love for the community. We await a reschedule date where we can meet with potential volunteers and offer Free KidSight Vision Screening for children ages 6 months and up. Good eyesight is essential to learning and early detection can minimize / prevent permanent problems.
April 30 - May 1, 2021: Taylor Lions hosted the Texas Lions District 2S-3 annual convention at the St. Paul Lutheran Church fellowship and education facility. The event included representatives from Cameron, Taylor, Austin, Manor, San Marcos, New Braunfels and beyond!
April 17, 2021: Taylor Lions hosted a community lunch event with the founder of Parents Against Child Trafficking (www.pact.city). Guests included members of Taylor ISD and Thrall ISD. The Taylor Lions Club presented a donation to PACT at the end of the discussion.
March 6, 2021: Taylor Lions assisted the start-up Bastrop Lions Club at the Bastrop education opportunities event by bringing the Welch-Allyn SPOT Vision Screening tool. With the assistance of local Lions, 26 youth were screened for vision problems and 3 were referred to get further testing by an optomitrist.
January 28, 2021: Taylor Lions recognize their 2021 sponsors. These business help the Taylor Lions serve the community and serve others. Thanks!!!
Platinum Sponsors
Windmill Mini Storage … next to Moss True Value
Edward Jones – Mark Thompson … (512) 352-5225
Taylor Auto Credit … We say yes when others say no
B&M Tractor Parts … (512) 352-8515
Silver Sponsors
Ancira Salsas
Longhorn Title Company
Mustang Creek Golf Course
Parker Transport Services
Shane Polach – Keller Williams Realty
Brookshire Insurance Agency - R Brent Kriegle, Inc
Capital Farm Credit
Condra Funeral Home
Hejl & Schroeder, P.C.
Sirloin Stockade
Weber Chiropractic, Inc.
Bronze Sponsors
A&B Sheet Metal & Roofing of Taylor, Inc.
Floyd’s Glass Co.
Donna Frazier – Frazier Insurance
Creative Vending Co, San Antonio
January 28, 2021: The annual Lions Chili Supper (about 71st annual?) was a big success. We sold out of tickets! Due to Covid, we only offered drive-through service, but with two lines, the serving went smoothly. Thanks to the local community for financial support and to club members for their time and effort!
January 22, 2021: Nicole Vommaro, Resource Development Director for Habitat for Humanity or Williamson County updated the Club on work underway in Taylor and the County. Habitat has completed and currently owns the mortgage on 32 homes in the Taylor area! Following her update, Lion President Don presented Nicole with a $1,000 check from the Taylor Lions Foundation.
January 8, 2021: Thanks to community support and club member perseverence, the annual sponsorship drive has over $7,000 in committed revenue and, still 3 weeks before the event, the committed chili ticket sales are already 25% higher than total / final sales in 2020! Get ready to kick efforts into high gear for sponsorship recognition & for chili supper workers!
Bragging right winners for top sponsorship recruiters.
* By value: 1st place to Lion Brad M; 2nd place to Lion Shane P; 3rd place (tie) to Lion Keith H & Lion Mark T.
* By number of sponsors: 1st place (tie) to Lion Shane P & Lion Griffin T; 3rd place (tie) to Lion Don A, Lion Deborah P and Lion Brad M
These Lions deserve a mighty Lions Roar for their efforts.
December 30, 2020: Taylor Lions have been active in the local community during the holiday season. The Club donated $2,000 to Shepherd's Heart in Taylor and $500 to the Taylor Red Santa program. Members donated over $500 in cash and gifts to Dell Children's Hospital. Due to a scheduling conflict, a $1,000 donation planned for December will be made to Habitat for Humanities at a January meeting.
In addition, the Taylor Lions Foundation donated over $3,500 for repairs to the Texas Lions Children's Camp in Kerrville for children with disabilities. With hope that the summer camp will open for traditional on-site sessions in 2021, Taylor Lions continue to offer scholarships seek local children to attend. For more information about qualifications, see https://www.lionscamp.com/.
The Leader Dog program received another $2,500 from the Foundation. This program, founded by Lios, is the premier program in the world for training support dogs to assist people with blindness and other physical issues.
December 30, 2020: Taylor Lions kicked annual Sponsorship Drive & Contest is underway. We are making progress toward our goal, but have extended the finish date to noon on January 8. The drive includes a sales contest for advanced sales of Chili Supper ticket sales. Every Lion is encouraged to contact at least two local businesses or potential sponsors. The prize will be "Bragging Rights". All profits go to our charities -- Texas Lions Camp, Leader Dogs, local eyeglasses and KidSight vision screening, Shepherd's Heart, and other needs as they arise.
October 13, 2020: Taylor Lions announced the time, date and place for the Annual Chili Supper. The Drive-Through / To-Go Only event will be on Thursday, 1/28/2021 at the SPJST Hall - just east of town. Lion Doug is responsible for event planning & volunteer schedules. Lion Herbert is responsible for groceries and paper goods. Lion Griffin is responsible for chili cooking equipment.
October 2, 2020: Lion Doug advised club member about critical needs at the Texas Lions Camp for Children in Kerrville, TX. He then auctioned off a 'surprise goody bag' among members at the meeting. Lion John won the auction! After other members chipped in, Taylor Lions will send $300 to assist the Texas Lions Camp.
August 29, 2020: The Taylor Lions Club has resumed our noon meeting on Fridays at Sirloin Stockade in Taylor. COVID-19 wreaked havoc upon our schedule and our funds as we were not able to meet in-person. This cancelled or delayed several fundraisers. We are glad to be meeting again, even if not yet at full speed.
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Lions held their Annual 4-Player Best-Shot Golf Tournament on Saturday, August 29, 2020. Twelve teams participated. The winning team before handicaps was Taylor Auto Credit with a best-shot score of 52. Pictured here are team members Steve Gauna, Otis Thorpe, Tony Patrick, and Steve Jackson along with Lion Deborah Parker. (Not pictured, the team from Taylor ISD had the lowest score after handicaps.)
Taylor Lions Host Successful Golf Tourney
Saturday, August 29, 2020 at Mustang Creek Golf Course, Taylor, Texas: The Taylor Lions Club’s Annual 4-Person Select-Shot Golf Tournament was a roaring success. According to Lion President, Don Artieschoufsky, “Taylor Lions offered a spread of food and drinks for the players from the time they arrived until they departed. It was hot, but everybody seemed to enjoy the morning! And with all the support from Lions and local sponsors, this event went off without a hitch.”
Twelve teams with 44 golfers hit the course at 8:30 AM for 18 holes with a shotgun start. Teams represented Babeco, Black Stallion, Herbert Brinkmeyer, Citizen’s National Bank, City National Bank, Edward Jones / Mark Thompson, First Baptist Church, Golden Chick, Larry Gonzales, Chris Hutchinson, Taylor Auto Credit and Taylor ISD.
Under the select shot rules, Taylor Auto Credit placed first with a “gross team score” of 52, followed by teams from Babeco and Golden Chick each shooting 55. For “net team scores” after applying team handicaps, Taylor ISD placed first with 46.5, followed by Citizen’s National Bank at 50.38 and Golden Chick at 50.50. In addition to first place team plaques, individuals competed for the longest drive and closest to the hole jackpot prizes.
Taylor Lions extend their thanks to event sponsors: Edward Jones / Mark Thompson, B&M Tractor, Windmill Mini Storage, Taylor Auto Credit, Citizens National Bank, City National Bank, Bryan Technical Services, Condra Funeral Home, Keller Williams / Shane Polach, Sirloin Stockade and Longhorn Title Company.
Lion Mark Thompson, the golf event coordinator said, “Taylor Lions depend upon support from our community to make our fundraisers successful. We are proud to have this fine group of sponsors who contributed to the Taylor Lions Foundation in 2020, even with the ongoing COVID struggles. Taylor Lions say ‘Thanks’ to each of these sponsors!”
Lion Treasurer, Greg Teggeman added, “Initial figures show that this year’s event and sponsorships resulted in our best golf tournament ever. This will really help to offset other fundraisers that were cancelled during the past few months due to COVID regulations.”
Taylor Lions are part of Lions Clubs International, 101 years old and the largest service club in the world. The global organization is best known as the ‘Knights for the Blind’, based upon a challenge made by Helen Keller. Lions address sight problems, health issues and other problems around the globe. In its 81st year, the Taylor club offers youth vision screening at schools and events, eye exams and eyeglass support based upon school referrals, full scholarships to the Texas Lions Camp for children with special physical needs, assistance obtaining Leader Dogs, and support for other charitable programs as needed.
Lion VP Shane Polach concluded, “Taylor Lions raise funds through annual events like this golf tournament. All profits from the events and other donations to the Taylor Lions Foundation (a 501c3) are used exclusively for charitable activities. We need community support – both financial and manpower. We meet at noon on most Fridays at Sirloin Stockade. If anybody wants to serve the local community, meet community leaders and have some fun, I encourage them to join us. They can call any officer for more information.”
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