

Aprill 9, 2022, SPRING ALL CASH BINGO, For Tickets call Lion Linda 410-848-2235 or Lion Bobbi, 719-568-7298, at davance sales $15 and at the Door $18. Event will be held at Winfield Community VFD Hall, 1320 W Old Liberty Road.  King Tut will be sold, not included in entry fee. Bring two Canned food Item to door and receive a "X" game card. Food will be available. Doors open at 5:30PM.

Aprill 16, 2022, EASTER EGG HUNT, starts promptly at 10:00 AM; Lion Club Park, W. Old Liberty Road behind Green's Ace Hardware in Winfield. No Charge, bring a bag for hold collected easter eggs.

May 14, 2022 Spring Dance, 8:00pm -12:00am. at Winfield Community  VFD Hall, 1320 W Old Liberty Road. Set-ups to be provided, BYOB and BYOBeer. Music provided by Cyber Rocks Band. For tickets call Tom Harney, tom@tharcoinc, 443-250-4442, $20/ person or $40/Couple. Proceeds to care for Diabetes and Cancer. 

May 21 & 22, 2022; Annual Yard Sale; Lions Club Park, W. Old Liberty Road behind Green's Ace Hardware in Winfield. Saturday 8:30 AM- 3:00PM, Sunday 8:30 Am -1:00PM. Great Buys! 


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