

  • Best Artisan Markets: every 2 months, second Saturday morning in the month at Tamahere Community Centre: April 13 June 8, August 8, October 12 and December 14
  • Collections for Kids in Need Waikato
  • Tamahere Community BBQ - fundraising to build a sheltered BBQ, tables and seating
  • NZ cycle festival - road marshals
  • NISS cycling championships - road marshals
  • NZ Targa rally, Cambridge section - road marshals
  • Street collections for Heart Foundation, Dementia Waikato
  • Catering/food caravan for the Kirikirioa Marathon, Hamilton 
  • Supporting local business start up with Innovative Furniture

Legacy project – BBQ facility Tamahere Recreation Reserve

The Lions Club of Tamahere was formed in 2015 to serve Tamahere and the wider community. The club raises funds in several ways including assisting at sporting events, and organising the regular Best Artisan Market.

Funds raised have enabled activities such as the installation of AEDs in Matangi and in Hillcrest High School; supported charitable organisations; funded individual pursuits such as entries to the Young Speechmakers Competition; and contributed to costs for participation in international sporting events. 

We are currently developing a BBQ facility at the new Tamahere Recreation Reserve. This will have a double electric BBQ and two sets of seating under an attractive weatherproof shelter. The ground work and floor slab have been completed and we are now raising funds for the rest of the project. Through generous support from a corporate donor we are well on our way to start the shelter, but we are not quite there yet. We are appealing to members of the Tamahere community to support our efforts to fund the project, in order to complete the BBQ facility this year. We are also keen to hear from anybody who would like to join the club, which currently has 25 members.

If you are interested in joining the club, or willing to make a contribution toward the BBQ facility, please contact Peter Simcock (+64 212453065)

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