


2024-2025 Board and Officers


President:  Lion Larry Savage

1st Vice President:  Lion Phil Souza

2nd Vice President: Lion Dick Ciesla

Immediate Past President:  Lion Larry Savage

Secretary: Lion Bud Armsrtong

Treasurer: Lion Gary Schroer

Lion Tamer: Lion Al Pearson

Tail Twister: Lion Al Bramucci

1 Year Director: Lion  (Open) and Dave Montgomery

2 Year Director: Lion  Laurie Bowen and Tammy Cole

LCIF Rep. & Eye Glasses: Lion Jim Heig

If you want to be a Lions Club Board Officer or serve on a committee as a member or a committee chairman, make sure you let the Club President or any of the Board Officers know. We encourage and appreciate Lions who volunteer. If it was not for the Lions who volunteer, our club would not exist. Elections are in April by the Board and in May the club members vote. 





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