Sunderland Lions Club
LATEST NEWS from Sunderland Lions Club
2024's Dip, alongside some glorious winter weather and a calm North Sea tempted over 700 people to take the plunge and in the process raise money for their favoured charity or any other worthy cause close their hearts. It is estimated that over £40,000 was raised by the dippers!
Sunderland Lions Club wishes to thank our partners at Red Sky Foundation for all their efforts to make the event fun, safe, and a memorable Boxing Day morning for all the community.
Thanks also go to our key sponsors Stack Seaburn, Sunderland City Council, Bristol Street Motors, Seldons Leisureworld and Everyone Active
Thanks also to the many volunteers, which are so essential on the day, and without them events like the Boxing Day Dip probably would not be possible. So never forget the volunteers and perhaps there is something each of you might find rewarding to get involved with?
A gallery of pics from the 2023 Dip are on the Boxing Day Dip page with links to other sites which covered the Dip
Active and serving the community since 1964
Sunderland Lions UK received its charter in October 1964 and celebrated it's 50th anniversary in 2015. The club has been active within the local community during this time by providing support in the way of finance and service where the members felt there has been a need.
Many people in the North East of England will be familiar with the Sunderland Lions ‘Boxing Day Dip’ an annual event for many years, which to date will have raised in the region of £1 million for numerous organizations and individual projects.
Interested in becoming a Lion, find out more here !
- For more information on Casino Nights
Sunderland Lions Club CIO is registered with the Charity Commission - Reg No 1174385
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.