HONEY ... You can purchase this local honey at G C BOYLE LAW FIRM in St. Marys. The maker of this honey (who has an Apiary on Queen St. W. on your way to Ranoch) will donate $1.00 from every jar sold, back to the ST. MARYS LIONS CLUB. At just $11.00 for a 1 KG jar, it's a great deal for its size and it tastes delicious.
- Lions Eyeglass Recycling Program - Lions Foundation of Canada provides funding and oversees the Lions Recycling For Sight Program and also the collecting and distribution of glasses. THE ST. MARYS LIONS CLUB will take your old glasses and have them forwarded to the CANADIAN LIONS EYEGLASS RECYCLING CENTRE in Calgary, Alberta where they are taken apart, cleaned, prescriptions read, and then packaged to provide recycled eyewear free of charge to people in developing countries.
ST. MARYS LIONS TOLL BRIDGE - In 2019, all proceeds from the Toll Bridge were benchmarked for the refurbishment of the St. Marys Fire Station. Members of St. Marys Lions Club stand on the bridge and appreciatively receive your donation which goes to a GREAT CAUSE locally !! Our Toll Bridge for 2022 took place on Saturday, May 28, 2022, from 8 AM until 12 Noon. Thank you to everyone who supported our club on that day.
Lions TV Bingo - Lion Charlie organizes LIONS TV BINGO sponsored by the St. Marys Lions Club. Bingo cards are picked up each week in Stratford and then delivered to Circle K in St. Marys. where perspective Bingo players can purchase their bingo cards. Check our St. Marys Lions Facebook page to see when the next BINGO will be held.
- Meals on Wheels - Lion Larry F co-chairs this event. Members of the St. Marys Lions Club deliver Meals on Wheels to local residents during the month of February each year. A huge thank you to everyone who helps deliver these MEALS ON WHEELS.
- Santa Claus Parade - Each year the St. Marys Lions Club enters a float in the Santa Clause Parade. During the parade, they collect previously used eyeglasses for our Recycling Program and Food for the FOOD BANK.
- Koats 4 Kids - the St. Marys Lions Club makes coats available to needy families - they are donated - then cleaned by Cascade Cleaners and offered to those in need free of charge.
- Canadian Flags - Each year the St. Marys Lions Club approach the Merchants in the Town of St. Marys and for $35.00 a year, their storefront will display a Canadian Flag - these flags are hoisted for special Occasions (ie 100th Anniversary of Vimy Ridge 2017) and each special event in town, plus every holiday weekend. The purpose of this project is to enhance the beauty of St. Marys downtown core. The Club members put up 90 X 180 cm Canadian flags prior to and during all statutory holidays from May up to Remembrance Day.
- Antique Car Show - Usually the First Weekend of July is the St. Marys Lions Club Classic & Antique Car Show - Normally, this event is held at the St. Marys Lions Park, The Flats, Milt Dunnell Field, 8 a.m. Regrettably, St. Marys Lions are unable to host their Annual Classic & Antique Car Show in July of 2022.
- Pop Can Recycling - Past Project - is good for the environment. It generates jobs and helps to pay for community services .....the "tabs" on pop cans are a different grade of metal and you do get more per pound for them.
Solid Milk Chocolate Easter Bunnies - is a fundraising campaign chaired by Lion Rob Stuart. Profits go to a special fund for community events. The Solid Milk Chocolate Easter Bunnies are sold by St. Marys Lions Club Members at Scotia Bank or by just asking any member of our club. The cost of the Bunnies in April of 2022 was $5.00 each. Watch for our Easter Bunny sales again in 2023.
- Salvation Army Kettles - we all take our turn and help out with the Sally Ann Kettles - snow sleet or rain!
- Gas Draw - For several years now, the St. Marys Lions Club has sold “GAS DRAW TICKETS” under the leadership of Lion Ron Annet, and now by Lion Rob Stuart. The winner of a monthly draw receives a “gas card” in the amount of $200.00 and has a year to use up the prize money on the card. Your name, if drawn, goes back into the drum to possibly win again. This past year, there were only 600 tickets sold and for only $10 each. Each year the draw starts on January 1st and a new ticket is drawn on the 1st day of each month. On the left-hand side of this page, click COMING EVENTS and scroll down to see who the latest GAS DRAW winner is.
Church Community Dinner - The St. Marys Lions Club hosted a Community Dinner at St. Marys United Church on April 25, 2022 with the generous assistance of the Rotary Club of St. Marys who graciously delivered the dinners. Come join the fellowship and have a great meal! The cost of the meal is your donation to the Church. Due to COVID 19, the meals are being delivered to members in our community.
Project Pride - Lions Project Pride is a program for Canadian Lions Clubs to express their pride in Canada and in being a Lion. Lions have the opportunity to instill pride in their community by presenting a Canadian flag 12 cm by 24 cm and a certificate to grade one students. The flag presentation represents the diversity of our country and the pride we have in being Canadian. Regrettably, the Project Pride program has been postponed during the COVID 19 Pandemic.