Photo Gallery
Lions Invest in Kids Donation
Our Festival Raflle Tkts
Lion Larry Dillahay presenting Stephanie Stark a $2,000 check for Alpha Omega Miracle Home.
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Lion Larry Dillahay presenting Donna Locke $1,000 in Winn Dixie gift cards for St. Augustine Christian Service Center.
Lion John Freemann and Lion Wayne Mancil present one half of the scholarships for 2015-2016
St. Augustine Lions volunteering at Veterans Day event supplying coffee, bagels and doughnuts from Dunkin Donuts to all of the attendees at the event.
Past Pres. Dominic Mercurio, Membership Chair Ron Covato, Dir. Lora Pricenor, 2nd VP Art Moore, 1st VP Gale Meares, Pres. Wayne Mancil, Sec. Billy Meares, Dir. Russ Mosher, Treas. Larry Dillahay, Lion Tamer John Dickie, Tail Twister Frank Clark
Handing over the reins. Lion Dominic Mercurio passing the gavel to new President Wayne Mancil