
Each year the Stanwood Lions Club participates in many fundraising and service events.

Here is a list of some of the fundraising events:

1. The Flag Program: Approximately 250 U S Flags are distributed around Stanwood and Camano Island eight times per year. The flags are provided by the Club at a cost to participating businesses for a donation of $30 per year for each flag. Some businesses donate even more and the proceeds go back into the community for the many services and donations that the Club makes.

2.  Relay For Life: Each year the Club participates in raising mony for this cause of curing cancer.

3.  White Cane Days: One weekend per year the Club stands in front of various businesses and asks the public for donations that serve the Northwest Lions Foundation.The prograns supported by White Cane Days are: 1. Lions Health Screening Unit. 2. Patient Care Grants. 3. Project support grants. More details can be found by going to the website of

4. Bingo at the Fair: This is one of our biggest fundraisers. The Lions Club runs a Bing Booth at the Stanwood/Camano Fair in August of each year. The proceeds are distributed to the many donations given by the Lions during the year.

5. Christmas Pancake Breakfast at the Stanwood Senior Center. Each year the Lions Club participates in a pancake breatfast in order to raise funds for the Stanwood Senior Center.

6. On May 6th, 2023, the Stanwood Lions will conduct a shredding event at the Stanwood branch of the Coastal Community Bank from 10 AM to 1 PM. The donations collected will go the Stanwood Foodbank.Suggested donation is $20. Food donated to the Foodbank and used glasses are accepted. 

Some of the services and donations provided by the Stanwood Lions Club are the following: 

1. The donations to The Stanwood Senior Center (Lincoln community Center), the Safe Harbor Clnic, the Stanwood Food Bank, the Stanwood Resource Center and many more deserving organizations.

2. Time and effort is also donated to the Camano Center, the Stanwood/Camano Public Schools, and other local projects that may need help. The Smokestack Project has been our outstanding service to the community by decorating the 150 foot Smokestack during the year with lighted decorations on many holidays throughout the year.

3. One of the most appreciated and gratifying services that we give the community is screening for vision and hearing for students in our school district and also in surrounding school districts. This service is coordinated with school nurses to help them and the district meet State mandated laws that all students must be tested at various times in the students education. This service that the Club provides has contributed to the discovery of hearing and vision defects in many students. That information is passed on to the school nurses and the nurses contact the parents of those students. This activity alone has been a big reason why new members have joined the Lions. This is a very "hands on" activity. 

The above activities are subject to change and compromise depending upon COVID restrictions. Take Care and Stay Well   

Our Motto Is: "WE SERVE"




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