
South Holland Lions 

We Serve



                           SOUTH HOLLAND LIONS CLUB HISTORY   


The South Holland Lions Club was chartered October 16,1946, by thirty-one South Holland residents; many of our founding Lions were veterans returning from serving our country in World War II seeking a new way to serve. The Lansing Lions Club sponsored the South Holland club.

We are a member of District 1-A known as the "Mother" District because the Lions International Headquarters in Oak Brook is located within the boundaries of the District.

The focus of the South Holland Lions Club is to support projects of Lions Club International and our local District 1-A, as well as the South Holland community.   

We maintain and publicly support the moral values upon which the South Holland community was founded, join with our fellow Lions members to promote brotherhood through the sharing of ideas, services and promoting the growth of the South Holland Lions Club.

The Club dinner meeting is held the first Thursday of each month, except July and August, at the Heritage House (formerly known as the American Legion Hall) located in "Van O" park) in South Holland, often featuring a guest speaker.

All club activities are governed by our officers and directors.  Administrative funds for the club are maintained by a dues structure. Charity funds are maintained separately and no expenditure is made without the scrutiny and approval of the officers and directors.                

Lionism is not all work; far from it.

Lionism is a combination of dedication, service!

Charter nights and installation nights are planned with spouses in mind. Golfers enjoy our club Golf Outings and District tournaments. Bowlers participate in District Tournaments. Members can take in the District, State and International Conventions. 

Our club has participated in many community fund raising efforts such as Candy Day, Pancake Days, Chili Suppers, and Ice Cream Socials. In the past we have held Pig Roasts, Golden Book Sales and other Fund Raisers to support our club and the community.

We have supported many vision services to the South Holland Community.

We have provided glasses, vision & glaucoma screenings, referrals or examinations. We have also provided hearing screenings and referrals for hearing examinations. We have sponsored blood drives.

We maintain an inventory of medical equipment to assist people in need with that type of equipment. The inventory includes walkers, crutches, beds and wheelchairs, canes, walkers and equipment providing the blind with braille typing capabilities. We collect used glasses and hearing aids for redistribution.

We have supported the village Library with computer programs.

All of these services and equipment are provided at no charge. 

This Months Featured South Holland Lion

Chef Terrance Randolph, owner of TKGORMET LLC a catering service, is an officer of our club. Lion Terrance prepares a delicious meal for each of our monthly meetings.  He uses his catering service to mentor young people in the food industry should they choose that as a career path.

Lion Terrance will serve as our first Vice President in 2024-2025. In the past years Lion Terrance has provided his talents in preparing food for our Chili Supper and Pancake days. He has participated in local farmer's markets.

As a former wrestling coach he was called to organize and manages the Randolph Terrance - RCH Wrestling Foundation to assist our local young people in wrestling programs.



Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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