
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Almost Everything You Wanted to Know About The Smithfileld NC Lions Club

Who are the Smithfield Lions?

     The Smithfield Lions club is a group of men and women volunteers who seek to serve the community of Smithfield, NC to include the area of Clayton, NC, and the bigger world community through activities and projects that help meet the needs of the community.  The motto of all Lions Clubs is “We Serve.”

 When did the Smithfield Lions Club form as a group?

     The Smithfield Lions club was chartered in 1950 and is one of the oldest clubs in Johnston County.

What kind of activities and projects do the Smithfield Lions participate in?

     To see a list of our past year’s activities, go to Club Projects section on this web site.  
      A key focus for the Smithfield Lions and all of the Lions Clubs of the world is the eradication of preventable blindness.  Ever since Helen Keller challenged the Lions to become “Knights of the Blind,” Lions Clubs have been assisting needy individuals with eye exams and glasses. 

 What are the Lions eyeglass collection boxes that are located throughout Smithfield and Clayton and what do Lions do with these used eyeglasses?

     Lions collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids for cleaning, sorting, and recycling to third world countries.  The location of collection boxes in Smithfield and Clayton are posted on this website.

 The Smithfield Lions Club conducts fundraisers.  What are the monies used for?

     Proceeds from the Lions fundraisers are used to support our many community activities, such as eye exams and glasses, scholarships to local students, community projects, etc.  Note that all net profits from fundraisers go back to the community.  Lions Clubs maintain separate accounts for community projects and for administrative operations of the club.

 Do the Smithfield Lions welcome new members?

     Yes! Membership is by invitation as perspective members must be individuals who are willing to provide their time (and even some money) for service to the community.

How often do the Smithfield Lions meet and where?

     The Smithfield Lions hold a dinner membership meeting at 5:30pm every first and third Tuesday of the month.  Meetings occasionally include a guest speaker from the community.  Location of these meetings and other Lions activities are posted on this web site.

 As a member, do I have to attend every dinner meeting, as well as all fundraisers and activities?

     People who join Lions are expected to provide their time and effort to support the activities of the Lions Club.  However, the club recognizes that there are other priorities in members’ lives and these priorities sometimes conflict with Lions activities.  If members cannot attend dinner meetings, then they are expected to inform a member of the club who is attending before the dinner meeting.  Zone meetings are optional, though non-officer members are encouraged to attend.  Members who are away from the area for several months are often placed temporarily on Member-at-Large status.

Where can I find additional info on the web about Lions Clubs?

     Lions Clubs International      Official web site of Lions Clubs

     LionNet       Listing of Lions Clubs web sites throughout the world

     District 31-N Lions        Official web site of Lions Clubs in Central North Carolina

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