Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club
Board Meeting/Regular Meeting
Date: 9-08-15
Number of members present: 15 Quorem: Yes
Visitors: Chris Greenwood
Pledge: Fred Giese
Invocation: Dottie Brotherton
General Meeting:
Treasurers report - Mac Davey. Motion to approve foundation report Donna Quinn. Second Jim Brotherton. Approved.
Motion to approve administrative report Dottie Brotherton. Second Fred Giese. Approved.
Secretary report - Donna O'Neill. Motion to approve Dottie Brotherton. Second Bob Scully. Approved.
There will be three Open Houses. Ed Schauble asked for volunteers to help out at at least one of them. Jim Brotherton made
the motion to have handouts identifying our club. Joyce Davey seconded. Approved.
President Fred Giese presented Betty Manovsky with a pin for helping the growth of Lionism.
Eyeglass cleaning 9-10-15. Photos being taken that night for the Splash.
Eyeglass screening - School has not gotten back on scheduling. Looking at other avenues.
Spaghetti dinner planning meeting 8-23-15. Advertising going well.
Wild West Festival - 10-23,24,25. Waiting to hear from Coors about donating beer.
Anyone with a Smartphone can take pictures for Joe Garner to put on Facebook.
Chris Greenwood presented a gift to our Club in memory of his father who recently passed away.
Taken by Donna O'Neill