


Donate to Lions Foundation of Canada for Dog Guides school in Ontario

Donate to LCIF for international projects

Scholarships for Simonds High School graduates to help pay for continuing education

Participate and donate money to the Lions Cavalcade for Diabetic Camp

Donate money to families in need

Assist with cost of transportation for out of province surgery or evaluation

Donate eyeglasses and contact lenses to various people

$7,000 donated to the Saint John City Police Force for the purchase and training of a new Police Dog. The cheque was presented at City Hall on April 5th, 2005

Donation to assist Canadian Council for the Blind Club members attending the 2005 Sports & Recreation Weekend in Mirimichi

Donation to assist the Canadian Council for the Blind Club with hosting the 2004 Sports & Recreation Weekend in Saint John

Donated $200 to Habitat for Humanity, Saint John

Donated $15,000 toward the purchase of a new wheel-chair accessable van to Loch Lomond Villa

Donation to purchase 25 tickets for C.N.I.B.'s "Jamming for Independence" concert in Saint John. All tickets were then donated to the Canadian Council for the Blind Club.

Donation to the Zoë Guimond 'Big Brown Eyes Fund' After a 2 ½ year horrific battle against cancer our precious Princess Zoë is finally free.

Donation to assist Canadian Council for the Blind Club members attending the 2003 Sports & Recreation Weekend in Halifax.

Donation to C.N.I.B.'s "That all may read" Project.

Donated to Cherry Brook Zoo

Donated $1,000 toward the new Christmas parade 'Santa' float

Donated money to purchase a special learning package to be used by Saint John Deaf & Hard of Hearing Inc.

Purchased a TV and VCR for the Loch Lomond Villa Seniors Wellness Center

Donated money to Big Brothers/Big Sisters "Bowl for Kids"

Donated money toward a special pump needed by a 12-year-old girl with diabetes

Supplied Hearing Aids for Youth

Donated money to the Heart Surgery Support Group

Donated money to the Red Cross New York disaster relief - 2001

Contribution to Lions Quest for Forest Hills School

Donated money to PRUDE Inc.

St. Patrick's Day social for 300+ Seniors

Provide Christmas food baskets to families

Collecting used eyeglasses for redistribution around the world

Donate money & food collected for the East Saint John Food Bank - directly from Bingo patrons

Provided drivers weekly for Seniors; tours, shopping, etc

Provided food baskets for Seniors at Christmas, and a meeting room for the Seniors Club

Provided transportation for youth groups

Transported Canadian Council for the Blind Club members to meetings, etc

Both Lions and Lioness Clubs helped setup, cook and serve a Christmas Supper for Canadian Council for the Blind Club

Built bridge to the 'Outdoor Learning Center' at Champlain Heights School - completed on May 31st, 2003.

Put on a Barbecue for Nursing Home Week at Loch Lomond Villa

P.K.L. Gerry Burchill and Lion Jack Brewer donated their time and talents to build a wheelchair ramp

Filled about 70 shoeboxes for 'Operation Christmas Child'

Put on Lunch for residents and staff of Portage - Good Friday, 2002

Collected toys for needy children through Kiddies Care-a-Van at Christmas

Put on Barbecue's for Boy's and Girl's Club

Put on Barbecue for Simonds Middle School end of year activities

Put on a Barbecue for 400+ Seniors during Loyalist Days




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