April 9, 2014
Lion President, Tom Niksic, with guest speakers, Dr. Vasko and Dr. Oligschlaeger
at October 22, 2013 Club Meeting
Ed Cross, Springfield Bureau Chief for WAND TV, is guest speaker at September 24th meeting.
Lion President, Tom Niksic, Ed Cross and wife Jennifer
Unwrapping Lions Cup Gifts
Really?? Ya gotta be kidding !
Yep, we were !!
Top Ten Senior Banquet, May 28, 2013
Guest speaker, Judge Ron Spears of Taylorville, delivered a inspirational speech designed to prepare the graduating Seniors for what lays ahead in their future.
Left to Right (Back): Judge Ron Spears,Grace Moll, Jake Keown, Sammy Hendrix, Keeley Buhrnester
Left to Right (Front): Neil Yockey, Mallory Jefson, Megan Stenger, Garrett Manship
High Lights of the Jan 22, 2013 Member Meeting
Guest speaker for the evening was Phil Miller from the Shelbyville Memorial Hospital who discussed the new facilities and programs offered by the hospital.
The annual spaghetti dinner was scheduled to be held on March 12th. Some of the profit from the dinner will be donated to the Red Cross.
The club voted to make a donation to Beta Sigma Phi for the Easter egg hunt and a donation to the post prom committee.
Tom Niksic discussed the recycling of electronic equipment in which he and Jack Tynan participated with the Lake Volunteers Association. Thanks to Tom and Jack for stepping up on behalf of the Lions Club.
2011 Shelbyville Lions Club Donates to American Red Cross
2011 Habitat for Humanity Donation
2011 Lion Club Steak Supper Set For July 30 http://shelbyvilledailyunion.com/x202391714/2011-Lion-Club-Steak-Supper-Set-for-July-30 2012 News Rams Cross-Country Team CONTRATULATIONS RAMS CROSS-COUNTRY TEAM !! The Rams Cross-Country team members and coaches were invited to attend the monthly meeting, Nov 27th. Each of the Cross- Country athletes were introduced by a Lion member who presented information regarding their year in High School, activities, accomplishments, and plans for the future. Coaches presented the team's outstanding 2012 accomplishments with a slide presentation, personal stories, and examples of the team spirit exhibited by these young athletes. Rams Cross-Country Roster Girls - Molly Yockey, 78th place at state. Boys - Nick Shaw, Eric Bowers, Cameron Barker, Seth Durbin, Drew Snider, Preston Henze, Kenton Wilson, Jaden Stockdale, Cory Powers-130th, Marcus Skinner-87th, Seth Applegate-73rd, Myles Foor-69th, Neil Yockey-58th, Drennian Martin-51st, Alex Matlock-31st, Dakota Pruemer-Mgr, Asst. Coach: Chris Mosley Head Coach: Kevin Kram JIm Shaffer Named Lion of theYear at Annual Christmas Party |