

A review of our activities for the past year indicated that we have been a very active club. Under the leadership of our new President Lion Marshall Gronemeyer, we anticipate participating in gthe following events for 2022-2023 fiscal year: 

Election Day Chicken Bar-B-Q.

Senior “Spring Fling Party”.

Christmas baskets to local needy families in conjection with The Boy Scouts of Scottsville.

Winter Volley Ball Tournament, proceeds donated to various Charitable funds throughout the area.Partnered with Dirty Dave's on this event.  

Arbor Day with Connor’s School Fourth Grade Foresters.

Lottery Fund Raiser.

Wheatland-Chili International Club Pancake Breakfast.     

Dow Carl Open Golf Tournament at  Morgan's Crossing and Jack's Place .

Wheatland-Chili “Sports Night”.

Partner with Chili Lions to provide dinner for campers and counselors at Camp Abilities.

Operate  Medical Loan Closet..

Pasta Dinner @ Jack's Place

Provided Scholarships for Senior(s) at Wheatland Chili High School.

Donate to the following:  Fire Prevention, Scottsville Free Library, Patricks Place & Shriners Hospital, Diabetes Association, Alzheimer’s Association, Honor Flights, American Cancer Society,    Hearing Foundation, Leader Dog, American Legion, WCCS Drama Club, Scottsville Fire Department, Festival Committee, Camp Smiles, Camp Badger, Regional “See Program” for vision testing of children,  NYS & Bermuda 20E1 Regional Lions Clubs; and Lions Club International Foundation.     




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