Senior Citzens Thanksgiving Lunch. The Club donates a Thanksgiving Lunch to disadvantaged senior citzens and staff of the Madonna Neighborhood Center.
Scholarship Award. To heip begin their college studies, the Club awards a one-time cash scholarship to a graduating high school student.
Until further notice. Our monthly meetings (regular and business meetings combined) will will be virtual using the ZOOM platform. Lion Miguel assigned to schedule meetings and send members link to monthly meeting.
Distributed new eye glass boxes to various members to deliver or find locations to place them for eye glass donations; when you find the location to leave a box, let me and/or Rosemary know, we are gathering location and contact name / numbers so we do not drop the ball on servicing the boxes (picking up and checking on status)
Eye glasses, we need more, about 100 or so to reach 1000 eye glasses; we are looking to donate 1000 eyeglasses all at once at the first cabinet meeting in Laredo, Texas on Saturday, July 20, 2019; please make plans to attend so that west side lions can get a big group picture of turning all these eye glasses in ; the photo will get published in the district newsletter and on our website;