
Santa Maria Sunrisers Club Projects


Enchilada Sale

Annually, the local Santa Maria Lions Clubs come together to hold an enchilada sale to benefit the Lions Sight Conservation Foundation of Santa Maria


Bowling Ball Raffle



In collaboration with Rancho Bowl, the Santa Maria Sunrisers Lions have been raising money via bowling ball raffles to benefit Youth Bowling.


Golf Tournament

Annually, the Sunrisers Lions host the Nate Lipscomb Memorial Golf Tournament where we raise money to benefit several local non-profits. Previous non-profits that we have raised money for include the Alzheimer’s Association, Angels Foster Care, and C.A.L.M.


Recycling Eyeglasses

If you were to tidy up your house or your car, how many pairs of old eyeglasses would you find? Your old trash can truly be someone else's treasure. Consider giving the gift of vision to someone in need by donating your old eyeglasses to us. We will help to recycle them and get them redistributed to someone that really needs them.

We Recycle for Sight

We have several collection boxes distributed around our community in which you can stop by and donate your eyeglasses. In turn, we send them to an official Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center. Eyeglasses may travel to a prison where inmates utilize their time to sort, test, repair, clean, and package the eyeglasses. They are then processed and an inventory is created so that eyeglasses can be distributed to optical missions around the world, including developing countries where they will have the greatest impact.  Via your donations, Lions are also able to help minimize landfill waste by recycling unusable and damaged glasses via precious metal reclamation and scrap processing. Our goal is to collect at least 1,000 pairs of eyeglasses, each year, through this recycling program.

How You Can Help

If you have used eyeglasses you no longer need, you can donate them to one of our various collection boxes.  We accept eyeglasses of various styles, including prescription glasses, reading glasses, sunglasses, and also empty plastic and metal frames as well. Specifically, children's glasses are especially needed.

Currently, you can find collection boxes at the following locations:

Santa Maria Drop Boxes:

  • Pacific Premier Bank - 1825 S Broadway
  • Community West Bank - 122 E Betteravia
  • Rancho Bowl - 128 E Donovan Rd
  • Merrill Gardens - 1220 N Suey Rd
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