

The Traveggia bequest was made to the Santa Rosa Host Lions Club for the sole intent to provide vision screening for the general Santa Rosa community.    These funds are governed by the club by-laws.   Funds are only utilized for purposes that benefit the visually impaired, as needed.   When possible, emphasis is placed on utilizing the funds to aid visually impaired youth. 

Only interest generated by the fund will be utilized to fund project proposals. 

 As needed, the Board of Directors may approve the expenditure of a maximum of 5% of the principle of the fund to finance projects during a fiscal year.   

Approval of any expenditure greater than 5$ of the principle or any iscal year must be approved by at least 70% of the board.   

All board approved projects will require that the recipients recognize that the gift was received from the Traveggia Fund of the Santa Rosa Host Lions Club, now known as the Santa Rosa and Montgomery VIllage Lions Club ( 7.1.23) 

Generally, epmhasis will be made to approve projects that will benefit the visually impaired of Sonoma County, and specifically, the immediate Santa Rosa area.

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