
The SANWLC handed out cookies at the camp picnic held on June 9th for the second session of campers.  



The SANWLC attended the final "work day"  May 4th to prepare the Texas Lions Camp for their summer camp attendees.   We cleaned and prepared these newly constructed cabins.  The camp is located in the heart of Kerrville, TX and is a camp that caters to children with physical challenges.  



The SANWLC proudly awarded ten scholarships to graduating Seniors from 3  San Antonio area high schools: 7 from O.W. Holmes (Northside ISD), 2 from Thomas Jefferson (SAISD), and 1 from L.D. Brandeis (Northside ISD).  Congratulations to the graduates!! 


Members of the SANWLC handing out  Halloween "goodies" at Esparza Elementary's Trunk or Treat.


The SANWLC presented the Family Liason at Madison Elementary with 4 $100 HEB gift cards to present to needy families for Thanksgiving.


The SANWLC presented 4 $100 HEB gift cards to needy families at Maverick Elementary.



A few members of the SA Northwest Lions attending Northwest Little League's Opening Ceremonies on March 23rd, 2024.  We sponsor their Challenger League which caters to youth who have physical challenges.














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