
 The Panthera leo Verum
April 1, 2010

Sundown Lions meet each Thursday morning at 6:30 a.m. at Roxie’s Diner, 4609 S. Jackson. Usually Lions get to Roxie’s early for socializing over coffee before the regular meeting. 

Sundown Lions gather on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Eyeglass Center from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. to clean eyeglasses. This worthwhile activity is coordinated by Lion David Busker.
Lion Robert Rangel combed the streets and back roads of San Angelo to provided great programs weekly.
During March the Sundown Lions welcomed Ms. Alice Herman from the downtown Post Office, Cristal and Roy from Vista Care and Officer John Gonzales from the City Marshall’s Office.
On March 4 a pass of the hat raised $136 to support PSA spots, handouts and banners to support Lionism and membership drives!
On Wednesday, March 24, the Sundown Lions visited the Southside Lions Club meeting at Henry’s Restaurant.

Sundown Lions continue to place flags at area businesses. It’s our biggest fundraiser and what a great, patriot and beneficial activity! There’s a little “breather” in March and April, but we saddle up twice in May. The next “Flag Days” will be Armed Forces Day on
May 15 followed closely by Memorial Day on May 31.

The annual golf tournament is Good Friday, April 2. Sundown Lions should be at Quick Sand Golf Course by 11:30 a.m. to help with registration. Wear your Lion vests and hats. It will be a shotgun start at 1:30 p.m. Again this year Outback Steakhouse will provide lunch. This big, annual fund-raising effort is being coordinated by Lion Dan Scott.
Work days at the Texas Lions Camp are April 10 and May 1. Interested? Contact our District Camp Director, Lion Jared Eggemeyer, at 947-7714 or 234-3403.
The District Convention will commence on April 23 at the Bentwood Country Club.   Our entry in the Youth Contest has been eliminated from the competition.
Lion Chef Doyle and the Sundown Lions will be cooking and hosting all the Lion Clubs of San Angelo at the ASU Lake House on June 5 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Sundown Lions will again take the lead at the Lions Pancake Breakfast at Fort Concho on June 12.
The “American Cave Lion,” was abundant in the Americas from Alaska to Peru in the Pleistocene Epoch until about 10,000 years ago. It was about 5 to 8 feet long and probably directly related to the present day Panthera leo .

The Panthera leo Verum, literally “The Lion Truth,” is the unofficial newsletter and minutes of the Sundown Lions Club.
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